I didn't read the question but Thanissaro says as a footnote: > **To abandon the eye, etc., here means to abandon passion and desire for these things.** Nibbana is the same. Nibbana is not experienced due to passion & desire for Nibbana. Therefore, passion & desire for Nibbana is also abandoned. Nibbana is included within The All, i.e., included as a sense object (per Ud 8.1) experienced by the mind sense organ. Thanissaro is wrong translating 'dhamme' as 'ideas'. 'Dhamme' is 'mind objects'. Apart from this, don't take these translators seriously. They have as much authority as you & me, which is not much at all. They are not gods or arahants. They are just two intellectual Americans who enjoy reading nerdy books, particularly Thanissaro, who has read so much Western philosophy. Also, 'The All' is not an important Dhamma topic. Abandon obsession about this, also.