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Questions tagged [vinaya]

Rules and regulations for the Buddhist monastic community based on the Vinaya Pitaka within the Pali Canon.

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22 votes
9 answers

What is the attitude toward homosexuality in Buddhism?

I am specifically interested in the attitude of Theravadan Buddhism toward homosexuality (if it has one at all.) I don't recall ever seeing any references to homosexuality in the suttas...I do recall ...
Adamokkha's user avatar
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12 votes
9 answers

Physical Exercise as a Monk?

Is a monk allowed to exercise the body in order to keep it fit and healthy? I reckon both 'healthy' and 'fit' as attachments, but is there an overall rule/teaching that explains this?
Jordy van Ekelen's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

The first rule of 8 Garudhammas

So according to the 8 Garudhammas of Bhikkunis this is the first one. 1) A nun who has been ordained even for a hundred years must greet respectfully, rise up from her seat, salute with joined ...
Akila Hettiarachchi's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

What is meant by "possessed by spirits" in Buddhism?

In this answer there is a quote from The Buddhist Monastic Code 1 - The Patimokkha Rules Translated and Explained by Thanissaro Bhikkhu, which reads in part only when one is possessed by non-human ...
Robin111's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Are theravada monks allowed to stay in lay people's house?

A theravada monk would like to stay in my house for one night. I live with my parents, but we don't have special room for guest. Should I suggest him to stay in monastery near my house?
sherly's user avatar
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5 answers

A question regarding the level of worldly participation for a buddhist monk

I noticed some buddhist monks spend a lot of their time teaching and giving dhamma talks, while other monks spend minimal time on these things. I was wondering if there are any rules in the monastic ...
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5 votes
1 answer

Arhat Culapanthaka's display of psychic powers to a layman (DP Verse 25)

In DP Verse 25, we read about Arhat Culapanthaka displaying psychic powers (appearing as many) to possibly a lay person, i.e. the messenger: When the messenger from the house of Jivaka arrived at ...
Kaveenga Wijayasekara's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Are non-Theravada monks allowed to eat after noon, and to use money?

What's the history behind this? I am assuming non-Theravada monks eat after noon, and use money. Correct me if I'm wrong. If I'm not wrong, why do the sects differ in this manner?
Anthony's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Does using or watching YouTube break a bhikkhu's rules?

Would using YouTube or other social media, where one is exposed to music or forced advertising/entertainment, be breaking the rules for monks? "the watching of entertainments are stumbling blocks" ...
jmkjuy's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Are the Five Precepts a gradual training?

In this answer it's said that the Five Precepts are not a form of gradual training. Are they are a gradual training? If not, why? Thank you for your time.
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1 vote
0 answers

Why the first of the additional rules, put forward by lord Buddha, on Bikkhunis? [duplicate]

I've learned that Lord Buddha has put forward 7 rules on Bikkhunies when female were given the permission to enter the shasana as Bikkhunies. Maha Prajapathee devi & the other princesses were ...
Amaani's user avatar
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5 answers

Should an Arahant become an unwanted burden to his caretaker?

The following sutta quote suggests that under the stated conditions, an Arahant should forcibly remain an unwanted burden or guest to a specific individual caretaker, even if sent away (or dismissed - ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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1 answer

Did eating less cause dietary problems for ascetics like Buddha?

I have heard that Buddha was eating similar to one meal a day. Is this true? Would this not lead to severe constipation? Was it common for ascetics to take medicines to help purge the food waste ...
blue_ego's user avatar