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Questions tagged [tanha]

Taṇhā (Pāli; Sanskrit: tṛṣṇā, also trishna) is a Buddhist term that literally means "thirst," and is commonly translated as craving or desire. Within Buddhism, taṇhā is defined as the craving to hold on to pleasurable experiences, to be separated from painful or unpleasant experiences, and for neutral experiences or feelings not to decline.

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4 votes
3 answers

How does craving cause self-identity or self-habit?

From craving, there arises clinging, then from clinging, there arises existence or becoming, and then from becoming, we get the birth of the self-identity or self-habit. But how does craving really ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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6 answers

How important is patience in buddhism?

I've heard that patience has a big place in Buddhism. It is especially very important for monks. I can think two ways of patience. When we get angry, we have to have patience to avoid bad ...
Dum's user avatar
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2 answers

Eight wordly winds, tanha or upadana?

In essence, the concepts of eight worldly winds tanha upadana seem to describe the same phenomena. Is there a specific reason that they are described separately?
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3 answers

Forced suppression of all cravings including harmless ones

Let's say a person has a craving to eat a slice of cheesecake. This is obviously a sensual craving (kama tanha). The mental defilement (kilesa) to get a slice of cheesecake and eat it, is greed (lobha)...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Bhava Tanha & Vibhava Tanha

The above mentioned technical terms are respectively translated as Craving for Becoming (something) & Craving for Non-Becoming/Getting Rid Off. Above said, how do we know that we're in Craving ...
Val's user avatar
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3 answers

Is craving unskilful because it fuels craving?

For most people it's not readily discernible why sense pleasures are unsatisfactory. In general, a lot of people know intellectually that sense pleasures are impermanent, and that virtuous thinking &...
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How could craving be the habit of reification?

Below, it says that "craving" is the habit of reifying things, resulting in the notion that we need ever-increasingly more things to live happily. How could craving (tanha) be the habit of ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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5 answers

Why do ignorance and intention have something to do with rebirth?

I have a lot of trouble dealing with rebirth, mostly because of my previous "skeptic" past. However, buddhism has helped me a lot to open my mind and to get detached from any point of view that might ...
Brian Díaz Flores's user avatar
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3 answers

Is Will Power required to renounce sense pleasures?

Is there will power & endurance required in order to renounce worldy pleasures? I am particularly speaking of those people who did not experience (profound) meditative bliss à la sukha or various ...
Val's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the difference between Tanha and Upadana? [duplicate]

What is the difference between Tanha and Upadana? Why Buddha did not say Tanha Paccaya Bhava (instead of Upadana Paccaya Bhava)? And there are three kinds of Tanha in Sutta (Kama, Bhava, Vibhava): ...
SarathW's user avatar
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1 answer

Cessation of Taṇhā through not giving a f*ck

Sorry for the phrase 'not giving a f*ck'. I was thinking about using the word anger. But that doesn't cover what I am about to write. Last weekend I noticed some strong internal movements. I was soo ...
Mike de Klerk's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

What type of tanha, is the tanha to end tanha?

This is from the Bhikkhuni Sutta AN 4.159 "Taṇhā sambhuto ayaṃ bhagini kāyo, taṇhaṃ nissāya taṇhā pahātabbā" "'This body, Sister, comes into being through craving. And yet it is by relying on ...
Kaveenga Wijayasekara's user avatar
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Tanha vs "Right Aspiration" & Anatta vs nihilism: how does one resolve contradictions in BUddhism?

From my perspective, the two biggest obstacles to to perfect understanding of Dharma is the apparent contradictions between "Tanha" and "Right Aspiration" and Anatta vs Buddha's condemnation of ...
atman's user avatar
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6 answers

Why do the Noble Truths talk about 'craving', instead of about 'attachment'?

Further to these comments, why do the Noble Truths talk about 'craving', specifically, instead of about 'attachment'? Wouldn't they make as much sense, or even make more sense, if they identified ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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4 answers

How does craving (taṇhā) relate to neutral feelings?

How does craving (taṇhā) manifest with respect to neutral feelings? In Dependent Origination (or dependent co-arising, however you'd like to call it), it is said that Craving (taṇhā) follows on the ...
Jeff Wright's user avatar
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5 answers

Stopping Tanha or craving

If one of the goals to becoming enlightened is to lose all craving, desire or Tanha how is one to do that without the craving, desire or tanha to do just that. In other words, is wanting to eradicate ...
Troy Edwards's user avatar
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1 answer

Could Lobha(craving) and Dosa(aversion) be working in tandem?

Is wishing for a pain to go away an instance of aversion(Dosa) or an instance of craving(Lobha)? Or both working in tandem? ex: leg pain while doing sitting meditation. Aversion is obvious, if the ...
Sankha Kulathantille's user avatar