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2 answers

Does a Buddha have an "awareness" separate from the five aggregates?

I read the following on the internet: Yes. The Buddha repeatedly states his awareness to be separate from the consciousness aggregate. Lord, freed (nissaṭo), dissociated (visaṁyutto) & released (...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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6 answers

What is it that pass from this life to the next?

A friend wanted to know the Buddhist position on rebirth/reincarnation since we don’t believe in a permanent soul. Specifically, what is it that pass from this life to the next? “Karma” was my reply ...
Desmon's user avatar
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4 answers

Are hungry ghosts considered "alive" if they are one of the six options of rebirth?

Are hungry ghosts in Buddhism believed to be "alive" or at least "undead" since hungry ghost is one of the options of rebirth?
Orionixe's user avatar
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1 answer

Anatta & reincarnation [duplicate]

Buddhism Anatta (no-self doctrine) Reincarnation (death-rebirth cycle in samsara) How can something that doesn't exist reincarnate?
Hudjefa's user avatar
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5 answers

Is All-Is-One a buddhist belief?

As I underestand, buddhists beliefe there is no-self, means no permanent soul in creatures like us humans. Would a buddhist say, we all are part of one absolute consciousness? If so, is the degree of ...
laserface000's user avatar
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4 answers

How does annihilationism posit a self?

According to the Brahmajala Sutta, Ajita propounded Ucchedavada (the Doctrine of Annihilation after death) and Tam-Jivam-tam-sariram-vada (the doctrine of identity of the soul and body), which denied ...
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Does a reincarnated person have memory of their past lives?

Do Buddhist teachings or scripture say anywhere whether or not a reincarnated soul has memory of their past lives? Referenced passages are encouraged.
user610620's user avatar
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4 answers

Why is a soul reincarnated, and the purpose of reincarnation?

A soul from a previous generation is reincarnated in a later generation into a specific set of circumstances which are tailored to engineer a rectification of a previous sin Are there instances in ...
user610620's user avatar
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1 answer

Have any historical texts identified whether a reincarnated soul's true identity can be identified?

If reincarnation were true, in that a soul takes on different human bodies across several different lives during that soul's existence, have philosophers, theologists, scholars or any scriptures ever ...
user610620's user avatar
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5 answers

How does rebirth fit with the fact that everything is impermanent?

One of the lessons Buddhism teaches is that everything is impermanent. Our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our bodies, our life. Everything. We are surrounded by death. We are mortals. There is ...
Pips's user avatar
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6 answers

What is the correct meaning of dhamma, dharma, atta, anatta?

I am unable to understand different meanings of words dhamma, dharma, atta, anatta... Does dhamma means as "path" or "truth" or "teaching" as in Ariyapariyesana Sutta or as "phenomenon" or as "...
user17389's user avatar
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Soul that transmigrates?

In Timsa Sutta Buddha says: "What do you think, monks? Which is greater, the blood you have shed from having your heads cut off while transmigrating & wandering this long, long time, or the water ...
user17389's user avatar
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How our body/soul is composition of five elements?

Recently I'm discussing five elements of nature with an atheist he cleared our body is composition of 11 elements Composition of the human body. These elements are enough different from those 5 ...
Swapnil's user avatar
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1 answer

Did the Buddha believe in the existence of soul? [duplicate]

Did Gautama Buddha believe in the existence of soul in human body? If not, why?
Supravat's user avatar
15 votes
11 answers

Can a non-Buddhist get Nirvana?

No religion teaches what Buddhism teaches at its core. A true Hindu or Christian or Muslim believes in God and soul. Can a Hindu or a Christian or a Muslim, who is not aware of Buddhist philosophy, ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
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Incorporeal entities in buddhism

I don't know anything in depth about Buddhism but as I figure there are three possibilities in life at it's end, either: the soul is released from the physical world and returns to where it ...
Bobs's user avatar
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2 answers

Continuity of memories as a proof of the existence of self [closed]

Buddhism denies existence of any Self.But I think I can prove the existence of Self as fundamental by the logic of continuity of memories. I define Self as someone who remembers the past essence. ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
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Belief in Ghost and spirits

If Buddhists don't believe that we have a soul then why do some believe in ghosts or spirits? this seems contradictory.
Arturia's user avatar
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5 answers

Doubt in Soul and sects

Metta, According to Buddhism, the soul is absent but karma is there. How it's possible without Soul, Karma would present. After the death, due to the karma of a person, he will rebirth. If the soul ...
Suresh Babu's user avatar
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According to buddhism, do demons exists?

I have heard a lot about this kind of things called demons, satan, evil spirits from other religion. But is their any mention in buddhism about existance of such creatures or spirits?
user avatar
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3 answers

Does the Doctrine of No Soul mean there is nothing permanent to continue?

Does the doctrine of no soul is means that there is nothing permanent to continue? So is the teaching of reincarnation, rebirth misleading as there is a notion there is a continuity after death? Also ...
danuka shewantha's user avatar
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Did the Buddha said that there is no self there is no soul?

In this article, the writer of the article claims, purports or alleges that Bhikkhu Thanissaro and Bhikkhu Bodhi state that the Buddha NEVER said that there was no self. The Buddha NEVER said that ...
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6 answers

Did the Buddha leave room for the possibility of a self?

Did the Buddha teach that a self or soul (whether permanent and fixed or impermanent and changing) cannot be found, did he teach that it cannot exist, or what?
Lowbrow's user avatar
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10 answers

How does Buddhism explain consciousness if there is no self?

One major differing point between Hinduism and Buddhism is the understanding of the self. Buddhist reject the Brahminical notion of an eternal, non-material soul substance that is distinct from the ...
Rob Wardrop's user avatar
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Does the Maha Parinirvana Sutra acknowledge the existence of eternal spirit/soul?

The Buddhist scholar Sallile King has the following interpretation made from the Mahayana Maha PariNirvana Sutra: [I]t is obvious that the Mahaparinirvana Sutra does not consider it impossible for ...
Prahlad Yeri's user avatar
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Soul that splits in seven parts

I clearly remember reading somewhere about (some branch of) Buddhism believing that there is a soul and that it splits in seven parts when dying. The article mentioned that four of these parts are ...
Jonas Byström's user avatar
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4 answers

If there is no soul or self, why did the Buddha speak of his past lives?

How is it possible that he had past lives and how did he know they were his? What defines them as his?
Jasmine's user avatar
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4 answers

What is Buddhism's view on past lives?

I have often come across this - our past karma will bear its fruits in the present life or in the future one. So how does one identify the events is the because of past karma? Where is information ...
user5256's user avatar
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4 answers

What's the difference between a "primordial consciousness" and a soul?

It seems certain Buddhist groups have come to believe in something they call the "luminous mind" or the "primordial consciousness"; in essence, a mind that is lasting, stable, and assumedly pleasant. ...
yuttadhammo's user avatar
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What is soul made of, as per Buddhism?

As per Buddhism, what are elements of soul, or what is soul made of? (If we split body and soul to separate them, then what are elements of soul?)
fatherazrael's user avatar
5 votes
11 answers

Soul and Self in buddhism

I've heard a lot of questions like, "who is there to enlighten if there is no self?" Is that kind of question based on ignorance on the difference between Soul and Self? Or does Buddhism deny the ...
jathin's user avatar
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5 answers

Dilemma caused by differing viewpoints regarding soul and karma

I'm a spiritual aspirant who likes to practice meditation to attain the ultimate goal of nirvana or moksha. The trouble is I've read too many differing doctrines and theories regarding epistemology of ...
Shinu Jacob's user avatar
15 votes
10 answers

If Buddha stayed unanswered on this matter, why do his followers preach that soul doesn't exist?

Almost every Buddhist I've met sincerely believes in non-existence of self or soul. Especially, the vipassana practitioners say that scanning the body and finding no atman or self in it is proof that ...
Prahlad Yeri's user avatar
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2 answers

A Question About our Aatma

Where is our Aatma or Soul when we sleep? What exactly happens to it? I tried finding answers, but could not get any answer from within! Help
Rushikesh's user avatar
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4 answers

How does an ālaya-vijñāna work?

And in particular, is it eternal, unchanging and like any other formulation for a soul that we might have seen, in say Christianity or Hinduism? This particular idea, that ālaya-vijñāna is like a ...
MatthewMartin's user avatar