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Questions tagged [satipatthana]

A Pali word for the foundations (or establishments) of mindfulness. The four foundations are body, feelings, mind and dhammas (mental objects). The tag also refers to sutras on this subject such as the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta in the Pali Canon.

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16 votes
5 answers

What is the meaning of "dhammā" in the context of the four satipaṭṭhāna?

I've been struggling with this one for quite a while now. The fourth foundation of mindfulness is called 'dhammānupassana' - vision in regards to the dhammas. The old translation I was given when I ...
yuttadhammo's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

What is the Interpretation of Parimukham in the context of Buddhist Meditation?

What is the interpretation of parimukham in the context of Buddhist Meditation? This seems to have different interpretation and translations? What are the different interpretations and translations ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

What is the difference between Satipatthana and Vipassana?

In short, if i practice Vipassana meditation does it means i practice Satipatthana?
Blaze Tama's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Constant mindfulness hard to achieve

I find very hard to be always mindful of all activities (four frames of reference). At the beginning of practice, my persistence are aroused and gradually it becomes indifference/lax. Basically I am ...
Nyan's user avatar
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8 votes
10 answers

Is there any point in learning meditation from an unenlightened person?

If a meditation teacher is not enlightened, is there any point in learning from him/her? According to Satipatthana Sutta, the awakening should usually take some time between 7 days and 7 years. If ...
kami's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

What are the Pali translations for mindfulness?

I know that the Pali word for mindfulness is sati as in the Satipatthana Sutta but I've also heard that there is more than one word for mindfulness that is used throughout the Pali Canon. Can anyone ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Sankharas, once eliminated. Do they have a chance of coming back?

When I talk of sankharas, I mean the pattern of the mind and the way in which the sanna recognizes an object. After prolonged Vipassana and remaining equanimous to the body sensations, Many of my ...
user3743672's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How is the Pali Phase "Sabbakayapatisamvedi Assasissami... passasissamiti sikkhati..." Interpreted as per Different Linage?

What is the interpretation of the Pali phrase "Sabbakayapatisamvedi Assasissami... passasissamiti sikkhati..." this seems to be interpreted differently by different lineages. What are the different ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

How should satipatthana be understood in regard to external/internal minds?

"In this way he remains focused internally on the mind in & of itself, or externally on the mind in & of itself, or both internally & externally on the mind in & of itself. (Thanissaro)...
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6 votes
4 answers

Accurate translation of "Satipatthana Sutta"

I'm looking for an accurate translation of "Satipatthana Sutta". Could someone let me know what is the best available accurate translation? I don't want to be confused by just reading all available ...
nish1013's user avatar
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3 answers

Satipatthana sutta in english AUDIO

Is there a version of Satipatthana Sutta in English AUDIO . I have got the pali version but I do not understand the full meaning when I listen to it.The idea is to listen every day when I go to work ...
nish1013's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between rūpa and Kāyā?

In reading about the 4 Satipatthana or about the 5 Aggregates, it seems the first category of each (form) is sometimes called rūpa and sometimes called Kāyā. Are these just two words for the same ...
Robin111's user avatar
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Buddhism view regarding happiness and contentment

The original teachings of the Buddha as expressed in the satipatthana sutta, centres mainly in the development of an equanimity state of mind. Not driven by desire, greed or delusion. My question is ...
core's user avatar
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Meditation "thinking" "imagining" mental note : Ven . Mahasi Sayadaw tradition

Practice Ven . Mahasi Sayadaw tradition meditation I have had two incidents recently . Said something that should not have said Stopped happening an argument that my mind really wanted to do Now ...
nish1013's user avatar
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4 answers

Did Lord Buddha teach any other meditation technique than the Anapana?

Meditation and cultivating awareness is the heart of Buddhism. You need meditation for attaining jhanas and also for doing Vipassana, metta bhavana... So as far as I've discovered, the only ...
Behnam K.'s user avatar
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3 answers

What does 'passing away of dhamma' mean in Satipatthana sutta?

Considering the definition of dhamma as given in this answer. What does it mean by '...arising and passing away of dhamma...'in the satipatthana sutta? Also, else where I read, 'all dhamma are also ...
The White Cloud's user avatar
4 votes
9 answers

How should the terms 'kaya, vaci & citta sankhara' be translated?

In MN 44 is found an explanation of the terms 'kaya, vaci & citta sankhara' (which are terms also found in Anapanasati steps 4, 7 & 8 and in the 2nd nidana of Dependent Origination). Bhikkhu ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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6 answers

Why are there so many different paths?

I will admit I am just starting to look into buddhism and such. I am confused because so far I understand that the Satipatthana sutta provides everything anyone needs to become 'enlightened'. If ...
Jake's user avatar
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To what extent can Ānāpānasati be related to Vipassanā?

I've read that the two can somehow be used in Unison, with benefit. Can anyone expand on this?
William's user avatar
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2 answers

What is difference between dhamma in Dhammanupassana and dhamma in Sampajana?

Sampajana is observing mental object(dharma) and associated perception and feeling.and its part of all 4 foundation. It seems there are two different types of dhamma.One is for Sampajana and other is ...
enRaiser's user avatar
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Anapanasati - are the 16 considered progressive sequence of steps?

Answers to this question suggest that the 16 are steps or stages of anapanasati, which implies that they are a progressive sequence of steps or stages. They are also related to the four foundations of ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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1 answer

Four Satipatthanas

In this Buddhadasa Bhikkhu Dhamma Talk, Ajahn Buddhadasa and Santikaro Bhikkhhu explained at around minute 51:30 - 54:00 that the four Satipatthanas are always investigated. As far as I understood, ...
Val's user avatar
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What are the elements (Mahābhūta) references in the Sarvastivada Satipaṭṭhāna?

According to Satipatthana Mula (By Sujato Bhikkhu edited by Piya Tan) Dharmaskandha references 6 elements that the traditional 4 elements in Theravada. They are not explicitly mentioned in the text. ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Unclarity on Sati-Sampajañña

In one Sutta the Buddha said that one should constantly be mindful of the fact of anicca. In the Satipatthana Sutta he said that when one is dressing, eating, speaking etc. one should be aware that he ...
Val's user avatar
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3 answers

Non appearance of dhammas to note during meditation

Early in my practice (Mahasi noting), I had plenty of thoughts come up to note, as taught, but lately there is only the meditation object. Is this normal or just another impermanent​ thing that will ...
Tommy K's user avatar
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1 answer

If you Consolidate the Satipatthana Instruction from the Tripitaka what would the additions and variation in Comparison to Maha Satipatthana Sutta

If you consolidate the instructions from the Tripitaka and other sources what would be the variations and additions to the instructions given in the Maha Satipatthana Sutta?
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Is mindfulness of feeling the middle way?

Is being mindful of feelings in-and-of-themselves according to the triad of pleasant, unpleasant, neutral the Middle Way? Is is also auto-suggestion? Is it normalization of a distribution? Does it ...
blue_ego's user avatar
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4 answers

what is the meaning of the cryptic formula in the 4sp satipatthana formula? (for the Chinese parallel)

Can anyone -- who knows chinese -- explain whether the interpretation of the cryptic formula in the Chinese agama parallel to MN 10 is the same as my interpretation? My interpretation is that "...
frankk's user avatar
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2 answers

Satipathanna Sutta and contemplating mind externally?

More specifically, Buddha informs the Kurus thus: "Contemplating mind internally. Contemplating mind externally. Contemplating mind both internally and externally" How is one to contemplate the mind ...
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2 votes
2 answers

what is the difference between Anapanasati and the Satipatthana

studying the two, and reading the list of the 4 tetrads, in the Anapanasati - first breathe and body, second studying the two, and reading the list of the 4 tetrads, in the Anapanasati - first breathe ...
Cary Brief's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

asubha practice

why is it mentioned in the pali canon that Without the direct guidance of a teacher, this practice can be dangerous, as the canon of Buddhist literature includes a story of the Buddha teaching this ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Is Sampajañña and Dhamma vicaya related?

Does Sampajañña and Dhamma vicaya have an overlap. What is the relationship between the two? What is the differences? Is Sampajañña a result of dhamma vicaya? Do you need Sampajañña for dhamma vicaya?
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

four types of beings (reference searched)

I remember hearing somewhere about 4 types of beings in relation with the satipatthana sutta and that for each group one of the satipatthanas is most important/suitable to practice. Can somebody ...
OidaOudenEidos's user avatar
2 votes
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Categories of Dhammanupassana (Satipatthana)

What are the components, the categories (the dhammas)that have to be observed in dhammanupassana (the 4th field of satipatthana)?
Guy Eugène Dubois's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Awareness in the body : ticklish/tingling feeling

I'm trying to anchor my awareness while sitting at the desk. When bringing awareness to the body , I'm getting a tickling/tingling in the body . So to make it bearable I'm trying to move attention ...
nish1013's user avatar
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4 answers

Could dhammanupassana be to remember satipatthana?

Could the 4th satipatthana or dhammanupassana be, among other things, to remember Satipatthana in both heart and mind? Shouldn't viriya be focused on the focus towards satipatthana when worldly ...
Lowbrow's user avatar
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What is bodily formation? Does it refer to the breath or the body?

'I will breathe in tranquilizing the bodily formation'; he trains thus: 'I will breathe out tranquilizing the bodily formation.'" ---Satipatthana (Bhiku Bodhi's translation) What is bodily formation? ...
Sanjeev's user avatar
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2 answers

Does any Theravada Suttas / sources refer to Oozing orifices? What are the Suttas?

According to Satipatthana Mula (By Sujato Bhikkhu edited by Piya Tan) Śāripūtrābhidharma Satipatthana contains a section on oozing orifices. What exactly does Śāripūtrābhidharma sources say about ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Dharmaskandha and Śāripūtrābhidharma Satipatthana contains a section of shortcomings. What are the shortcomings?

According to Satipatthana Mula (By Sujato Bhikkhu edited by Piya Tan) Dharmaskandha and Śāripūtrābhidharma versions of the Satipatthana contains a section of shortcomings. What are the shortcomings ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
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What does Śāripūtrābhidharma Satipatthana sources mention about food? Does other Theravada source have such references?

According to Satipatthana Mula (By Sujato Bhikkhu edited by Piya Tan) Śāripūtrābhidharma versions of the Satipatthana contains a reference to food. What exactly does it say about food and does ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Mindfulness of breathing - What is meant by "arising and passing away of the body"?

When it is said that one is "mindful of the arising and passing away of the body" -- what is meant with "being mindful of the arising and passing away of the body"? The body is here all the time, ...
meditation6's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Satipathanna sutta in audio English (long version)

Can anyone direct me to the full audio version of the satipathanna sutta? NOTE: I'm not looking for a guide or a talk just the plain sutta spoken clearly in English.
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1 vote
2 answers

Two types of satipaṭṭhāna - which has jhana?

In Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond, Ajahn Brahm writes - The Buddha taught two types of satipaṭṭhāna. The first type is supported by jhāna and leads to enlightenment in a short time. Which ...
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How long would it take to enter 3rd and 4th Satipatthana?

Let's say I am meditating for 2-3 hours each day. How long would it take?
Val's user avatar
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Is "anupassi" translated as "focused" accurate?

I read the following on the internet: If having a little wisdom one would not see any different between "staying right focused" and "watch closely", but the fool seeks to ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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Sacca-pabba Is the reason that commentary commented "Viññāṇa is Jāti and Paṭisandhi," right?

In saccapabba of mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta: Jāti is "khandhānaṃ patubhāvo" and "āyatanānaṃ paṭilābho". Khandhānaṃ patubhāvo included viññāṇa-khandha. Viññāṇa-khandha is viññāṇa-paṭiccasamuppāda. Rūpa-...
Bonn's user avatar
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Do "and further", "again", in MahaSatipatthanasutta definitely mean "next step (aparam)"?

In oral study system (reciting and memorizing)... I definitely sure according to Mahasatipatthanasutta's structure "aparam" means "next step". For an example, after the ...
Bonn's user avatar
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In satipatthana, how does mindfulness lead to nirodha?

What is the difference between "cessation" and "nirodha"? How would it be experienced during meditation?
Buddhika Kitsiri's user avatar
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Satipatthana bhavana versus Vipassana bhavana

Is there a difference in the practice of satipatthana bhavana and vipassana bhavana? Or are both terms synonyms?
Guy Eugène Dubois's user avatar
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should i consider this as a hindrance in my practice

advice solicitated:i went to a wedding to perfect my mantra recitation and help around in the vedic work say,setting the "havan-kunda" night on the last day while i was sleeping in the outhouse,...
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