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3 answers

Do you agree with ChatGPT’s answer to question: Is vedana a Sankhara?

I asked ChatGPT, Is vedana a sanskhara? Following is its answer: In Buddhist philosophy, "vedanā" (feeling or sensation) is distinct from "saṅkhāra" (mental formations or ...
SacrificialEquation's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is Nibbana an asankhara?

There are three closely related words in Pali , namely, Sankhara, Sasankhara and asankhara. They are mentioned in the following sutta : ============== “Bad, unskillful qualities, mendicants, arise ...
SacrificialEquation's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the proper translation of 'sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā'?

In this excellent answer giving an in depth explanation of the various uses of sankhata in various suttas, the first usage is explained as 'conditioned things' based upon the famous phrase, "...
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5 answers

Does AN 3.47 refer to only single standalone sankhara?

This question concerns the proper understanding of AN 3.47: “Mendicants, conditioned phenomena have these three characteristics. What three? Arising is evident, vanishing is evident, and change while ...
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3 answers

How many types of conditions are there?

In Buddhist teachings, phenomena are said to be conditioned and impermanent. Could you explain the various types of conditions that are recognized in Buddhism, and how they contribute to the cycle of ...
SacrificialEquation's user avatar
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1 answer

Find Sankhara and Dhamma in the following sentence?

Because there are several meanings of sanskharas and Dhamma, I am unable to exactly pin point when and what I should identify as sanskharas and when I should identify Dhamma. Please help me identify ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
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4 answers

Who is responsible for making sankharas impermanent?

Sabbe Sankhara Anicca. But it is not clear why all Sankhara are impermanent? Can I ask ,who is responsible for making all Sankhara impermanent? Are we responsible for making the Sankhara impermanent? ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
2 votes
9 answers

Which word is more suitable for describing reality?

There can be different kinds of reality. Reality as experienced by dogs, cats, elephants, lions, pigs, snakes, humans, gods, maras or reality as experienced in hell or reality as experienced in heaven ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
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2 answers

Stiffness in body during vipassana

I am undergoing a strange period during vipassana meditation (sn goenka guruji tradition). When I am scanning my body there is an extreme stiffness that travels almost throughout the body as my ...
Apoorve's user avatar
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2 answers

what is the right relationship of asrava and ignorance?

To me asrava (asava) is 3 things: desire for worldly things, desire for becoming, desire for ignorance. given my understanding, i formulate asrava is generally an influx of desire. assuming i am ...
blue_ego's user avatar
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4 answers

what is difference between volition and intention?

As per buddhism what is the difference between volition and intention? If there is any difference what is right pali word for volition and what is right pali word for intention? I presume sankhara is ...
enRaiser's user avatar
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4 answers

Unwholesome Sankharas Emerging From Dhamma Practice

What unwholesome sankharas can be created from too much focus on dhamma concepts, reading and intellectual pursuits, and practice? What kind of results do those sankharas produce? What blockades are ...
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2 answers

What is difference between sankhara and kilesa (defilement)

Are they same? What is the relation between kilesa and sankhara? Is it that, kilesa are tendency to build new sankhara? Which gets cleared first?
enRaiser's user avatar
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"abandoning samyojanas" vs "removing saṅkhāras"

When researching stream-entry, I came across this fascinating statement ... "The stream enterer ... has removed the saṅkhāras that force rebirth in lower planes". SOURCE: https://en....
Alex Ryan's user avatar
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Sankhara on a wave, a wood, and a rock?

Purpose: I want to know which sutta is this story coming from. Background: I remember that when I joined the 10-day Vipassana course held by S.N.Goenka, he said, You can carve your Sankhara like an ...
Jinn's user avatar
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6 answers

How can I accept losing control of my mind and will?

After some reflection, I've noticed many of my mental hangups / dispositions (sankhara) were formed due to a deep seated fear of losing control over my mind / volition. Examples that come to mind ...
Lake's user avatar
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-2 votes
5 answers

Why is there something instead of nothing?

Why is there something instead of nothing? Why there are clothes , why food , why shelter , why surprise , why anger , why love , why disgust , why father , why mother , why child, why atom , why ...
SacrificialEquation's user avatar
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4 answers

What is panna? Is it permanent?

Because panna (wisdom) is the understanding of anicca, dukkha and anatta, it leads to the cessation of ignorance, greed and aversion and therefore to Nirvana. Now Nirvana or the state of being ...
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4 answers

Because of which element the world has come together?

The world seems to have come together. We have United Nations which is a symbol of the unity of the nations.However things come together because of an element. That element can be greed or aversion ...
SacrificialEquation's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

When one analyzes Saṅkhāras, where does 'unconditioned' fit in?

When one analyzes Saṅkhāras, where does 'unconditioned' fit in? The word means 'formations'[1] or 'that which has been put together' and 'that which puts together'. I take this to mean something ...
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-1 votes
3 answers

Are we waiting for a disaster to happen?

Buddha says all sanskars are annicca. If harmony is a sanskar then disharmony is waiting to happen. Therefore my question is are we waiting for disaster to happen ?
SacrificialEquation's user avatar
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3 answers

Understanding Saṅkhāra in dependent origination as *choices* of body, speech and mind?

Continuing to try to understand Dependent Origination from my own reading of the suttas as well trying to grok the understanding of other skilled practitioners and I've come across an interesting ...
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2 votes
2 answers

What puts together composites according to Buddhism?

I believe that the word for composite or compounded dharma is sankhara. What puts sankhara together, according to Theravada or Mahayana Buddhism? I'd especially like an explanation that contrasts the ...
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2 answers

Are there Bad teachers? Is Mara in the Sanga?

I have had an experience with a top teacher, Regional Assistant Teacher, and Center Manager acting in ways very disturbing to the path. Later I saw clearly that they were controlled by Mara or had ...
Crystal Ship's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

AN 4.233 what exactly is the relation between kamma, saṅkhārā?

AN 4.233 sutta passage here, in Pali, with my translation into English: questions: what exactly are those 3 ...
frankk's user avatar
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2 answers

Is Intention a sankhara?

I would like to know if the following premises are well stated and if their content is true. Also, I'd like to know if the conclusion/answer makes sense: 1) In the aggregates, 'sankhara' are kammic ...
Brian Díaz Flores's user avatar
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3 answers

In Dependent Co-Arising, is Dukkha a Sankhara, a Vedana, both, or none?

How should I understand dukkha (in all its amplitude and semantic complexity), if I want to see it through the lens of Dependent Co-Arising? Where is it classified, apart from the final nidana? Is ...
Brian Díaz Flores's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

What is the true meaning of Kaya Sankhara, Vaci Sankhara and Citta Sankhara

I am trying to find a right description of the word Sankhara in dependent origination which includes Kaya Sankhara, Vaci Sankhara and Citta Sankhara. I have not been able to understand what they mean. ...
BuddhistStudy's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Is ignorance a kammically active volitional formation, or a kammically passive fruit of past kamma?

As the title indicates, I'm not sure how to classify 'avijja' in Dependent Co-arising: Is it a volitional formation which produces a certain kind of vipaka, or is it a vipaka in itself? In Bhikkhu ...
Brian Díaz Flores's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between papanca and sankhara, and in particular citta-sankhara?

While contemplating both terms I could not find a difference between mental elaboration and mental fabrication. Aren't they one and the same?
David's user avatar
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4 answers

Are all of the five aggregates saṅkhāras?

Are the five aggregates all saṅkhāras -- are they impermanent and dependently originated? I guess that "perceptions" and "feelings" are perhaps dependent on sensual contact. Is there anything else ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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2 answers

When to delight and when not to delight?

Namo Buddhaya. During various discourses , monks after hearing Buddha delighted or did not delight. This is one discourse in which Monks did not delight at the end. In almost all other discourses , ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the word Sankhara? [duplicate]

In the quote " Sabbe Sankhara Anicca", what is the meaning of word Sankhara? Is the word "Sankhara" derived from Sanskrit word "Sanskara"?
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
2 votes
7 answers

Is understanding a phenomenon?

Buddha says all phenomenon are nonself. If understanding is a phenomenon then my understanding of Dhamma will fade away and I will again fall into ignorance. So my question is: is understanding a ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Removing sankharas

Can someone please explain to me in clear laymans terms exactly the steps to working with and removing sankharas because I think I have a lot. I have been meditating for 6 years and basically just ...
Arturia's user avatar
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3 answers

Are 'elements' defined as non-suffering?

I'd like to question something from this answer without disputing it, i.e. there was a phrase it in which I found novel: You do this by seeing that your suffering is impermanent and empty (...
ChrisW's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Feeling of Superiority and what to do about it?

Sometimes I can see myself feeling superior to others because of what I know and they don't . I know that it is my ego which raises it head and is active at the moment. I also see persons, who are ...
8CK8's user avatar
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9 answers

How should the terms 'kaya, vaci & citta sankhara' be translated?

In MN 44 is found an explanation of the terms 'kaya, vaci & citta sankhara' (which are terms also found in Anapanasati steps 4, 7 & 8 and in the 2nd nidana of Dependent Origination). Bhikkhu ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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3 answers

Two interpretations of the three levels of suffering, Dukkha Sutta and Tibetan

There's a wrinkle in the teachings about the three levels of suffering. The Pali Canon, in SN 38.14 -- Dukkha Sutta -- has it thus (leaving things uninterpreted for the moment): the suffering of pain ...
David Lewis's user avatar
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What is the process that creates "Saṅkhāra"

Is it right if i say the origin of Saṅkhāra is not by a natural process of the mind but it is a byproduct of Avidyā which dominates the non-arahant mind?
Theravada's user avatar
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Can anyone explain Sanskara / Sankara in depth?

Can someone provide a canonical explanation to Sanskara/Sankara? I appreciate if you can provide some sources, Suttras/Suttas so that I can expand my knowledge.
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