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Questions tagged [life-after-death]

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2 answers

Can you cross into another dimension

My partner committed suicide 2 weeks ago. I have managed to visit him when I'm sleeping (dreaming) and when I see him everything is normal until I have to wake up and we are both saying how much we ...
Louise Howard's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does Buddhism use the word "realm" when describing one of the different races?

Why is this word used? It's very confusing and makes it sound like you are reborn into a world and not as a different race of being or a human again? Like saying "rebirth in the human realm" ...
Orionixe's user avatar
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3 answers

Reunion with the loved one after death and in next life

My spiritual bonding and connection are very strong with my lovely mother who has passed away. We both have tremendous love for each other. Can we be reunited again in the next life? Can she be born ...
Kanad's user avatar
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Talking to dead loved ones

💚Could talking with dead loved ones be in line with the proper practice of the Buddha? If proper practice permits talking to dead loved ones, then what is the proper way to talk to dead loved ones ...
Lowbrow's user avatar
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Life after death in buddhism

What is the main basic difference between Hinduism and Buddhism regarding Life after death ?
quanity's user avatar
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3 answers

Can new beings come into existence without this existence being a rebirth?

Can beings that have come into existence that have never been reborn before, like comes into existence without that existence being a rebirth, or "its first birth". Or is every being's ...
Orionixe's user avatar
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3 answers

Place of death and rebirth

I'm reading about bardos in the Tibetan Book of the dead. I'm wondering how is rebirth dependent on geographical location. For example, if dead occurs in Europe is it possible to get a rebirth in Asia?...
aaa's user avatar
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8 answers

How to stop thinking about metaphysical questions?

I have been practicing seriously for a month now. I'm mindful a lot of the time but not 100% yet and whenever I'm not I start thinking about metaphysical questions or what could be after death or if ...
buddhismcuriousity's user avatar
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5 answers

How does rebirth fit with the fact that everything is impermanent?

One of the lessons Buddhism teaches is that everything is impermanent. Our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our bodies, our life. Everything. We are surrounded by death. We are mortals. There is ...
Pips's user avatar
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3 answers

Do Buddhists talk about insides?

Buddhists talk about abstract and concrete things, particulars, parts and wholes, etc., and Theravada Buddhism is often I think thought of in terms of an analysis of parts, breaking things down into ...
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1 answer

How can people meet again after rebirth?

Prince Siddhartha & Princess Yashodhara met in a lot of lives as partners. How are people intended to meet their present life relations in the next life? Is the desire needed to be wished upon?
Amaani's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the ultimate goal of Buddhism? Is it nirvana?

What is the ultimate goal of Buddhism? Why should a person practice Buddhism, what will it provide to him? Various religions have various goals. For example, the ultimate goal in Christianity is ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Non duality and eternal life

Is there really any evidence that anything goes beyond death ? By that I mean our self awareness. That our awareness transcends death? I know there is absolutely no concrete evidence of reincarnation....
Barryseeker's user avatar