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Questions tagged [lay-buddhism]

Otherwise known as the householder path, the lay buddhist path is a path for non-monastic buddhists.

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3 votes
3 answers

Did the Buddha teach the four noble truths to laypeople?

Sometimes I see comments like, "the Buddha never taught the four noble truths to laypeople". Is that so? If so, why didn't he? Aren't the 4NT the best, most succinct and most helpful, part of the ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

Can the noble eightfold path be followed in its entirety by a lay follower?

Does the noble eightfold path fits a lay life perfectly? Or is there any part of it that cannot be followed/accomplished by a lay buddhist? If that's the case, what part(s) doesn't have fit with lay ...
konrad01's user avatar
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7 votes
12 answers

Should one call oneself a Buddhist?

When people ask me about my religion, it always gets me thinking as how I should announce to another person that I practice Buddhism, should tell that I am: A Buddhist Follower of the Buddha ...
Jordy van Ekelen's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Permission of your parents in your renunciation

I have thought about this since a long time, and now I am ready for renunciation, accept teachings and practise Buddhism in a monastery. I told my parents about these future plans. They said they were ...
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8 votes
3 answers

How does one escape suffering when they cannot provide for those they love

Taoism and Buddhism say we should distance our self from suffering and accept life as is if we cannot change it. But what if we have serious clinical depression or cannot provide properly for those we ...
Anoop Alex's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

How are Buddhists supposed to spread Buddhism?

Some religions spread through its followers actively seeking out new followers. Some religions do their own thing and inspire others to join. Some religions preach openly to people and let them decide....
Yoda Bytes's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

What do buddhists do in a situation of war where all able-bodied men must become soldiers?

I was reading a chapter called "The Buddhist Stand on the Death Sentence" on p. 390-393 in the book "What Buddhists Believe" by Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda. In here it is written that the law is supreme ...
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9 votes
5 answers

Buddhist path X Romantic Relationships and Sons

First of all I will apologize because it will be hard to put that as a clear and simple question. Once a person decides to enter the Buddhist path, it becomes clear that one should avoid engaging in ...
konrad01's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Friend who is the same in happiness and sorrow

Sigalovada Sutta: The Discourse to Sigala The Layperson's Code of Discipline includes, "These four, young householder, should be understood as warm-hearted friends: (1) he who is a helpmate, (2) ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

How to bless someone?

How to bless someone with special words in Buddhism ? My friends ask me for keep them in my pray but we don't believe in praying. So what should my answer to them ?
Swapnil's user avatar
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8 votes
10 answers

Where does morality come from in Buddhism?

I have a hypothetical question. Let's say I don't believe in karma, reincarnation, or any deities of any sort. I also saw in some texts and videos that, to achieve higher awareness, I should not ...
QuestionEverything's user avatar
7 votes
8 answers

Does being a lay Buddhist have any advantages over a Monk?

That's the question. Is there any advantage in being a lay Buddhist over being a Monk who has gone forth, that is in as far as following the Dhamma-Path to Nirvana is concerned?
The White Cloud's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Conciousness in Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta

I would be happy if someone could clear up a doubt for me. When Advaita talk about consciousness without boundaries it is said to be the "Self". It is described as combining being and knowing in one ...
Working hard's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What did the Buddha say about gratitude?

I'm looking for early Sutras that talk about gratitude. I'm especially interested in if there are lists of things that we can be grateful for, and there are sources that deal with gratitude for lay ...
sunyata's user avatar
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4 answers

Should person with schizophrenia have children?

I wanted to ask you whether it is ethical for a person with schizophrenia to have biological children. Do any Buddhist traditions teach anything in that regard? When one parent has this illness, the ...
rafal0123's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Mahayana - Advaita - Theravada realisations

Mahayana claims that the realisation of Nirvana in Theravada is dual while Mahayana is non dual. I have read that Advaita (the universal consciousness theory) is the same as Mahayana. Does that mean ...
Studying Buddhism's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Did the Buddha teach meditation to lay people?

During his lifetime, did the Buddha teach meditation to lay people, or did he teach meditation only to monks? Are there any references to this in the Pali Canon or commentaries? It's clear that all ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How to Focus consciously?

I have been trying to read while being conscious about myself or breathe but it seems impossible: I can think about only one thing at a time, and even if I do it "consciously" then I have to go ...
Ritesh.mlk's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there any source saying that Buddhists can temporarily form relationship to help people?

There are many good answers in the question Would Buddhists help non-Buddhists continuing their attachments?. I'll summarize some of the points here: Buddhism only teaches that things don't last, not ...
Ooker's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

A Good Career for a Buddhist?

I am a business woman and my job is stressful. It is entirely motivated by greed. I want to leave my career but I have a dream to help poor people in my country and also to make my parents proud of me....
sherly's user avatar
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10 answers

What is the best strategy to confront Non-Buddhist ideology?

I am sure everybody in this world thinks that 'my religion is the only true religion' etc and its variables. As we live in a diverse society, in today's age of information we invariably bump into ...
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9 votes
4 answers

How should a lay person respond if they see a monk teaching something contrary to Dhamma?

Let's say if a lay person sees fault of a monk (something against the monastic code, or against the Dhamma). Should the lay person just stay silent (thinking it would create bad karma), or should they ...
Akila Hettiarachchi's user avatar
9 votes
8 answers

As a Buddhist how do I get over hatred towards my previous religion?

I am filled with genuine hatred towards my previous religion. My hatred is not directed towards other religions it's just towards my past. And this constantly bubbles up during meditation. I don't ...
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7 votes
5 answers

Need some pointers about the current phase

I know this is a big letter but it is important. Would really appreciate your help. My spiritual path very much goes along with my career. I knew since my school days that I never wanted to be part ...
Satchitanand's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Moderation in meditation for lay people

Vipassana-style meditation has been adapted to treat patients to prevent recurrence of depression and anxiety through MBCT, and to treat chronic pain and stress through MBSR. More info on this can ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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7 votes
9 answers

Can one follow Hinduism and Buddhism at the same time?

I am born Hindu and have been following Buddhism for more than a year. The change has been a life changing experience but now I find myself at the junction of two religions. I sometimes face ...
Varun Krish's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Buddhism view on mercy

When I come across animal or bird or bug injured and in pain, no resources available nearby to shelter, do I leave it to nature or kill it to end its misery. What is Buddhism view on mercy?
user5256's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it wrong to watch fight events like boxing, MMA, judo etc.?

From a Buddhist's perspective, is it wrong to watch such sports on television for example? Of course, I'm talking as a lay person. Monks have a completely different approach regarding entertainment. ...
konrad01's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

How to deal with immense guilt over past acts of cruelty? Is sincere repentance and striving really enough?

I won't go into details, but I am dealing with horrible guilt and shame over cruel acts I have committed in the past. It feels like I am now come to terms with the significance of these actions, and ...
Narran's user avatar
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4 answers

Buddhist meditation for intrusive thoughts and anxiety

I struggle with anxiety and intrusive thoughts and I've found that meditation helps a lot to calm my restless mind. I am familiar with key concepts of Buddhism. I read a tiny bit about it directly and ...
user avatar
5 votes
6 answers

How can a person become a real Buddhist?

In this society a lot of people say "I'm a Buddhist" but they're just saying that. So my question is, how can a person become a real Buddhist? And how do we know he's a real Buddhist?
RANSARA009's user avatar
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7 answers

Mission on earth (In Buddhism)

Many religions claim we came to this earth on a mission, everyone has a different mission, a specific reason to be here. In Buddhism I couldn't find anything like that, the "mission" would be the ...
konrad01's user avatar
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6 answers

Would Buddhists help non-Buddhists continuing their attachments?

Let's take 2 examples: A Buddhist notices a crying girl. After asking it turns out that she lost her mother, and don't know where to find her Alice and Bob has a complicated relationship. Bob wants ...
Ooker's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Buddhism and fornication

Most of the people follow the 3rd precept of lay buddhism without knowing the actual meaning of it. Personally, even I don't know the actual meaning of it. Most of the people including me understand ...
Agent47's user avatar
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3 answers

What is "love" to a lay person?

As a budding Buddhist, one cannot help but investigate day to day phenomena with the magnificent tools made available to us by the Buddha. An interesting thought occurred to me today and prompted me ...
Amanasa's user avatar
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3 answers

How best to accelerate vast accumulation of merits?

If the requisites for attaining the path of a stream-enterer is to accumulate merits and having favourable conditions, what are the best ways to gain merits and having all the necessary conditions to ...
CPB's user avatar
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3 answers

Does your lay Buddhist name follow you for life or does it change with different temples and masters?

When you are laity and given a Buddhist name does it change with different masters and temples or do you carry it with you for life? While mostly pertaining to the Vietnamese tradition I'm very ...
Brian's user avatar
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9 answers

How do I practice not-self or Anatta whilst talking?

The Buddha has taught the concept of 'not self' (anatta) - which comes into play when we are dealing with our body, feelings, perceptions etc, to think that it's not actually 'my' body, or 'my ...
PrincessBelle's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Mindfulness in lay work

Mindfulness requires being non judgemental, but what should one do when the work requires judgement where a standard needs maintained? Is there a form of objective judgement that that can be used like ...
jwe's user avatar
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4 answers

Samatha Meditation

This summer I got the chance to spend 20 days at Pa-Auk Tawya forest meditation center in Myanamar and I did Anapana-Sati for 20 days. Now I'm back at my university but when I look back I see than ...
Sachin Sardiwal's user avatar
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5 answers

role of imagination

The ability to believe in something is a function of the imagination. The power of belief is the power of the imagination. How does one differentiate between conceptualizing and using one's ...
tom alvarez's user avatar
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4 answers

What is the purpose of the 5th precept?

“Furthermore, abandoning the use of intoxicants, the disciple of the noble ones abstains from taking intoxicants. In doing so, he gives freedom from danger, freedom from animosity, freedom from ...
Anton A. Zabirko's user avatar
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4 answers

Does Zen have an unusual view of samadhi?

There was a book titled Zen in the Art of Archery: Zen in the Art of Archery is a short book by German philosophy professor Eugen Herrigel, published in 1948, about his experiences studying Kyūdō, a ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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3 answers

Saving for the future

Is it okay to save money, asset for the future financial security for a person with family following the Buddhist Path? There is always this dilemma in making financial decisions based on the Path and ...
user5256's user avatar
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4 answers

Want a simple explanation that sense restraint is an important aspect of ethical conduct, for a loved one who is not into Dhamma

Could you try to formulate an answer to the above question, in line with the Pali Canon, using simple colloquial language, for someone who doesn't yet know Buddhist terminology? I'm asking because I ...
Saptha Visuddhi's user avatar
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6 answers

I'm feeling hopeless about life after nearly leaving Buddhism in order to marry

I was born a layman. I tried to have a loving life, but my partner wanted me to convert to her religion (Islam) to marry. I was ready to do so. When she left me, I realised how silly I was. Now I'm ...
Swapnil's user avatar
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3 answers

In which current societies mainstream Buddhism is relevant for daily life?

In which places or societies is the old Buddhism (mainstream Buddhism) a formative world-view which guides and dominates daily life? Added to focus my question. By mainstream Buddhism as guiding and ...
Jo Wehler's user avatar
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5 answers

What's the role of "blameless" in the Dhamma?

The word "blameless" is often used in suttas: AN 4.62 suggests it's highly good: Seeing clearly — the wise one — he ...
ChrisW's user avatar
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4 answers

What are some of the ways to practice confidence/ self-confidence?

In many Buddhist doctrines, confidence or self-confidence is thought as a virtue. I am still struggling to see how it does not contradict with arrogance or pride. A few expansions are: "...
Noob's user avatar
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3 answers

How to choose a career?

People say, "Do something that you love. Such that you work does not seem like a burden". This is also something that we hear in pop-culture. Like "Follow your passion" On the ...
Noob's user avatar
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