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Questions tagged [guidance]

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How to become a monk in Bangladesh?

I've read some texts on Buddhism and I want devote myself to it. I want to learn meditation. How can I do that?
James Petrov's user avatar
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4 answers

A Buddhist guide to overcome self sabotage

Does self-sabotaging instincts come from the ego? Where does the urge to self-sabotage come from and how to break free from this cycle? Here is what I found from the internet The cause of our ...
Sarah's user avatar
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5 answers

How to create awareness of the present moment

how to control the mind and create awareness of the present moment.
Sarah's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Does regret help us to correct our faults?

Does regret / guilt help us to correct our faults? Doesn't the pain from our faults push us to the correct path?
Random guy's user avatar
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1 answer

Thinking vs Talking in mind

Sometimes, I caught me on talking in mind. Sometimes my tongue moves according to it. Sometimes I talk to myself. This feels very fast and hard to control. There also intuition like thinking. For a ...
Random guy's user avatar
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2 answers

What to focus on in the practise of sati?

Recently, I started to be aware of my actions as stated in Sathipattana sutta. Today, I was aware about my movements when I moving a object. And I placed it in a wrong place. This happened multiple ...
Random guy's user avatar
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5 answers

Trying to find causes of everything

Is trying to find causes of everything not a good practise? Isn't having rational mind a good thing? I know that the Lord Buddha advised us to not to think about beginning of life. Because it make us ...
Random guy's user avatar
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3 answers

Does speed of body movements affect the calmness of mind?

Does speed of body movements affects the mind? Do we have to slow down our actions to have a better sati? It feels it does affects. But are there any sutta about this? How that works?
Random guy's user avatar
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3 answers

Always analysing deeds: sati and samadhi

In daily Life, I always trying to focus on single good thought so no space for bad. When I did something, I tend to analyse it wether it is good or bad. It is deep most of the time because I am trying ...
Random guy's user avatar
4 votes
7 answers

Do we have to believe that good people exists?

Is thinking that there are no good people / followers of five precepts in this world a wrong view? I read this in some where but I forgotten it. It is hard to see that kind of people other than ...
Random guy's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Understanding uncertainty of thoughts and the mind

It's quite easy to see the changing behaviour of the things we see, hear and feel. Appearence between a child and an old man. Good smell and bad smell Having a wound and not Those things are quite ...
Dum's user avatar
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5 answers

How come movies/video games decrease the motivation to do buddhist practises?

I practised buddhism a lot in holidays given due to Covid-19. I listen to dhamma and meditate each and every day. When my college started, I was not ready for the exam. I got stress. Somehow I found ...
Dum's user avatar
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3 answers

How to overcome fear for lost of opportunity?

I get fear when I'm trying to choose something over buddhist teaching. Listening to Dhamma instead of studying something else Reject a job offer to get some free time Not having relationship (with a ...
Dum's user avatar
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5 answers

How to stop rejecting / avoiding things?

I'm getting aversion when someone do things that I don't like. This happens when a person do and not on natural things like rain. But It is hard to recorgnise it as aversion because that aversion is ...
Dum's user avatar
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6 answers

How important is patience in buddhism?

I've heard that patience has a big place in Buddhism. It is especially very important for monks. I can think two ways of patience. When we get angry, we have to have patience to avoid bad ...
Dum's user avatar
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3 answers

Can anyone do something intentionally?

Consider someone is doing something (for instance eating). I can say that he is eating because of hunger, and his hunger is because his body needs energy. So, every action have external causes only. ...
Dum's user avatar
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3 answers

Shouldn't we care only "What I think" instead of "What I + Others think"?

Our own thoughts make something wholesome or unwholesome. Not what other's think. So, is there a need to care about what others think regarding a certain thing? We can do good for others, but they ...
Dum's user avatar
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5 answers

Is it wrong to be a "people pleaser"?

What is wrong with pleasing others? To what level should we care about others, and what should we avoid?
Dum's user avatar
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5 answers

Can I plan for future while doing meditation on death?

Buddha said about meditation on death : "Even if a person aware about his death can be happen within that day is late. If someone thinks, his death can be happen within current breath is not late". ...
Dum's user avatar
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What can I do to have my destination confirmed?

I have seen a lot of great buddhists who change their paths due to some kind of conditions. Recently, I also face a that kind of situation. When, I faced a dissapointment, I forgot all teachings that ...
Dum's user avatar
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2 answers

What should I avoid to maintain sati?

To develop sati, we should meditate. So, what should I avoid to maintain sati?
Dum's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I let go the ownership of the mind?

If someone offense me on physical things like "You are not beautiful, You are poor, You are not smart", I can bear it. Actually I don't care much. But, If someone offense me on my thoughts like "You ...
Dum's user avatar
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4 answers

Relaxation vs Laziness

In karniyametta sutta, Lord Buddha advised us to be relaxed and not to cling to the work. How can I recognise relaxation from laziness ?
Dum's user avatar
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3 answers

Should we care about what others think?

Should we care about what others think? If so, to what level? (Most of the time, those thoughts creates suffering).
anony's user avatar
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Doing the opposite of not skillfull things

Will it helpful to do the opposite of not skillfull things without having deeper knowledge of that thing ? Ex: I asked a question on Laziness, here. But didn't recived a satisfying answer. So,Can ...
Dum's user avatar
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4 answers

Is it necessary to be socialize to understand dhamma?

If some one is a anti-social person , there is no reason to get angry, to be jealous, to have conciet .... All those problems arise when people socialize. So, Is it necessary to be socialize ? If it ...
Dum's user avatar
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2 answers

Is procastinating lengthen the samsara?

I know that good or bad karma lengthen the samsara. Similary, Is procastination / laziness lengthen the samsara ?
Dum's user avatar
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9 answers

How do I recognize the attachment to certain things?

How do I know whether I am attached to certain things or not? Examples: When we are attached to a taste, we will try to find more & more tasty foods. We can reduce that by getting a simple meal, ...
Dum's user avatar
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3 answers

How to not to attach to the vinaya?

I feel very guilty when I break the vinaya / shila. Now it became a couse for suffering. Some times I feel very bad about people who not follows vinaya. How do I get out of this ? How to follow vinaya ...
Dum's user avatar
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3 answers

Guidance for how to handle stomach problems arising during Vipassana?

During concentration the main thing I can feel during the first half hour or so is the feeling of the stomach/ top part of the intestine area or feelings inside the belly. There's really nothing else ...
Nick rostron's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

A beginner facing Culadasa

I am a complete beginner who was looking for a good Buddhist guide for meditation. I discovered the book "The Mind Illuminated" by Culadasa and I thought I had found the grail: the shape of the guide ...
Kalapa's user avatar
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4 answers

Audio guided meditation recommendations?

I know how many of you feel about guided meditations, but I am introducing meditation to some fellow university friends, and one of them is telling me he is having an incredibly hard time while ...
Pedro Fontanarrosa's user avatar
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2 answers

Safe vs Risky Path

What, if anything, did the Buddha teach about following the most secure path vs venturing out on an unknown but possibly more fullfilling path? To start off, I am very new to Buddhism but am putting ...
T0t3sMcG0t3s's user avatar
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Permission of your parents in your renunciation

I have thought about this since a long time, and now I am ready for renunciation, accept teachings and practise Buddhism in a monastery. I told my parents about these future plans. They said they were ...
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Where can one find guidance from a teacher next year in 2018?

Where on Earth or online are future retreats or classes for an insight practitioner to get Dhamma guidance and/or guidance through some version of the stages of insight meditation? Are there teachers ...
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