Questions tagged [copyright]

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3 votes
4 answers

Is it allowed to quote a Buddhist teaching in a fiction book?

I am writing a romance book. In it one of my character's recites a portion of the Dhammapada. If I publish my book, will I be violating any copyright laws? How would I go about getting permission to ...
Sage's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Breach of second precept

Is copying a Dhamma book in hard copy and converting it into a pdf to read on my kindle a breach of the second precept? I am planning only to read it myself and not give it to anyone. I also thought ...
user68706's user avatar
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2 votes
8 answers

Dharma should be free?

Dharma is usually donation-ware. There is a really valuable dharma book that my friend is in no financial condition to buy (it is $100) but he also does not want to download it for free from me. Is ...
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