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Questions tagged [consciousness]

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6 answers

Questions on the five Skandhas

I find that the five Skandhas can be very confusing at times, as the Western idea of mind and perception is very different to the Buddhist idea of mind and perception. On top of that, many ...
Steve's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

What, precisely, is kamma/karma?

In Buddhist doctrine there is always the problem, that for the sake of understandability, certain concepts are being presented in a solid, substantial way, while actually, one has to keep in the back ...
zwiebel's user avatar
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7 answers

mind-body relationship

“finding a place for the mind in a world that is fundamentally physical” —has been puzzled over for centuries, and is unlikely to be resolved any time soon. The reason is that apparently every ...
Shrawaka's user avatar
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10 answers

How does Buddhism explain consciousness if there is no self?

One major differing point between Hinduism and Buddhism is the understanding of the self. Buddhist reject the Brahminical notion of an eternal, non-material soul substance that is distinct from the ...
Rob Wardrop's user avatar
9 votes
7 answers

Consciousness and Name-Form

In the twelve nidanas in the dependent origination it is said that through ignorance arises constructive activities (Sankskara). I do understand that. But the fact that I am still having trouble ...
Akila Hettiarachchi's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Consciousness in Nibbana

In the Abhidhamma, it makes mention to 89 and 121 states of consciousness. It says there are four ultimate realities namely Consciousness Mental Factors Matter Nibbana. The first three are ...
user5380's user avatar
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4 answers

How is the Concept of Consciousness in Psychology Related to the parallel Buddhism concepts?

Philosopher Dan Dennett makes a compelling argument that not only don't we understand our own consciousness, but that half the time our brains are actively fooling us. (The illusion of consciousness) ...
Suminda Sirinath S. Dharmasena's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Insight in Buddhism

What is "insight" the "knowing that I know" in Buddhism? I understand the concept of consciousness a bit better but what about having Insight.
Carlos Raimundo's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

a good definition of consciousness

I was having a conversation with a non buddhist about consciousness I was struggling to define some key aspects and it kind of led into not self, but I was looking for a concise simple definition.
MFS's user avatar
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6 answers

What distinction is made between "awareness" and "consciousness"?

What Buddhist distinction is made between "awareness" and "consciousness"? I view "mindfulness" as a purposeful application of awareness. However, I am at a loss for a clear distinction between ...
PaPa's user avatar
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2 answers

Can rebirth-linking conciousness (patisandhi-citta) actually be rooted in knowledge?

With dependent origination (paṭiccasamuppāda) underlying much of the doctrinal aspects of the Buddha's teaching - and all formation having concomitance to avijja as condition, is it correct to assume ...
Amanasa's user avatar
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8 answers

After samadhi what?

Last year I experienced samadhi, full state of awareness. Mind's thoughts stopped for days and I can't describe with feelings and words the complete experience. It was like the wheels of my mind ...
MrNobody's user avatar
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8 answers

Hesitation between Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta

I hesitate between Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta. Buddhism pleases me very much for its willingness to seek an end to suffering, being depressed it speaks to me a lot. But intellectually, ...
Advos's user avatar
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7 answers

How does buddhism describe what exactly, or where exactly, or how exactly, consciousness exists?

As a computer scientist interested in the origin of the universe and the mind, I finally have found some ancient stuff of the type of substance and depth I am looking for, the Abhidhamma. The first ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does Mara, the Evil One one comes looking for consciousness at death?

Is this explained in the Pali Canon? Then the Blessed One went with a large number of monks to the Black Rock on the slope of Isigili. From afar he saw Ven. Vakkali lying dead on a couch. Now at ...
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6 votes
9 answers

What is the substantial cause of an instance of consciousness?

Context: I'm considered a skeptic of rebirth in my tradition which is the Gelug branch of Tibetan Buddhism. I'm asking this question to help me understand what other traditions think. In my tradition ...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What is difference (Vedic) Consciousness versus Pali Text terms "Deathless", "Awakened Awareness"?

Would you kindly give your input on these Pali text quotes and comments? They are derived from "Questions on the Five Skhandas", specifically Dhammadhatu's answer regarding the common reference "...
chris hebard's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Dispelling anger

When anger swells up and rears its head I wish to be rid of it quickly. For a moment of anger is said to burn a mountain of merit. In my personal practice I have gotten quite adapt at controlling ...
hellyale's user avatar
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5 answers

Comparing Chinese Agama the ? Bundles of Reeds Simile with Pali Nalakalapiyo Sutta

In commenting a post, I have just been introduced to the "two bundles of reeds leaning up against each other" Sutta. The comments have just been moved to chat and I hope it would be kept for awhile ...
Mishu 米殊's user avatar
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3 answers

Rebirth as cycle of consciousness?

Wikipedia's article on Rebirth (Buddhism) says, Buddhist meditation teachers suggest that observation reveals consciousness as a sequence of conscious moments rather than a continuum of awareness[...
ChrisW's user avatar
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How to nullify the expectations?

Buddhist teachers say things like Do not expect anything from anyone, and also: Do everything with good heart and expect nothing in return and you will never be disappointed. Such a wonderful ...
Deepak's user avatar
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Explain consciousness (viññāna) to non-Buddhists

Problem In discussions on Buddhist term consciousness (viññāna) with non-Buddhists, it's imperative to start with talking about life in general because---to my understanding---life after all is the ...
mlomailom's user avatar
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4 answers

Mind-Stream Continuum's Origination?

What is the origination of the mind-stream continuum? What are the basic elements that make up the mind-stream continuum?
DharmaEater's user avatar
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Can consciousness exist externally?

Sometimes I feel that my consciousness is separate from my body. How can this be explained in Buddhism? What is this state ? Can consciousness exist externally without physical body?
user5256's user avatar
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Are there any detail exposition of Consciousness without surface (viññanam anidassanam)?

I asked this question recently to understand why consciousness is different from the intellect itself and considering the answer given I now think that Consciousness is not something higher than ...
user13282's user avatar
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1 answer

What is a "sentient being" in Tibetan Buddhism?

The answer to this question seems to depend on what school one talks about. So my question is about Mahayana Buddhism, more specifically Tibetan Madhyamaka Buddhist schools. I kind of wonder where ...
Mr. Concept's user avatar
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8 answers

If I am not the skandhas, then what entity/group of entities am I being responsible for by being a good person?

I'm look more for an epistemological Buddhist answer to this question. If I am anatta (not self because composite) then who is the one responsible for his/her actions? Why am I still responsible for ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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5 answers

Is All-Is-One a buddhist belief?

As I underestand, buddhists beliefe there is no-self, means no permanent soul in creatures like us humans. Would a buddhist say, we all are part of one absolute consciousness? If so, is the degree of ...
laserface000's user avatar
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5 answers

How can the world's youth discover careers that are aligned with consciousness and Buddhism?

Millennial's and the young workforce are faced with a difficult choice of discovering alternate careers/gigs. Can spirituality, universal consciousness, meditation, environment trigger a human-plus ...
Peter Abreo's user avatar
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6 answers

Why are plants not sentient beings?

Why in Buddhism plants are not recognized as sentient beings? Can it be immoral to kill a plant? Can a plant be reincarnated as an animal? Is a plant alive? Edit: I read somewhere a theory ...
Kalapa's user avatar
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What is intellect-consciousness and why is it different from intellect itself?

In SN 35.93 quoted below, it reads intellect-consciousness arises in dependence on the intellect and ideas, but if this consciousness is also a thinking about the work of intellect on ideas then it in ...
user13282's user avatar
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What is the difference between Yogacara Buddhism and Idealism?

I've often heard the Yogacara school of Buddhism being described as 'Mind Only'. To my untutored mind this seems reminiscent of the western philosophy of Idealism. So there is a description of ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
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8 answers

Which specific process determines where consciousness will alight?

As the title indicates, I don't know how the mind "picks" which sensation to focus on. Considering the huge amount of sense-data being received by the mind each moment, which condition directs ...
Brian Díaz Flores's user avatar
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8 answers

What is the invisible consciousness or consciousness without surface?

From MN 49 (trans. Sujato): Consciousness that is invisible, infinite, radiant all round—that’s what is not within the scope of experience based on earth, water, fire, air, creatures, gods, the ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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Is consciousness immaterial?

I've been doing a lot of scripture reading on consciousness (vijnana, mana, citta, etc) in the pali canon and Mahayana doctrines. Buddha never seemed to accept materialism, or that mind was material, ...
Maxwell T.'s user avatar
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1 answer

How is 'consciousness' (vinyaana) defined in Buddhist texts?

How is 'consciousness' (vinyaana) defined in Buddhist texts? How similar or different is it from the way the word is used these days -- particularly in scientific studies of consciousness ?
ramana_k's user avatar
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4 answers

What is a phenomenological perspective?

I have seen in answers on this site (about consciousness in connection with rebirth) that Theravada adhere to a phenomenological perspective on consciousness. Can anyone explain for me what it means ...
Mr. Concept's user avatar
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When I empty out intentions and relax in meditation, what is this force that moves my body in complex patterns?

When I empty out intentions and relax in meditation, what is this force that moves my body in complex patterns? For example, when I let go for a bit I start walking and making circles and doing ...
MrNobody's user avatar
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2 answers

Can you be aware but not conscious? [duplicate]

According to Buddhist teaching (of any school) is it possible to be aware but not conscious? I'm reading the book Seeing that Frees at the moment and Rob Burbea hints that although in the book he is ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
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6 answers

Why do i look sad, while doing things consciously?

I have started doing things consciously, i don't want to laugh anymore, i just want to maintain that inner peace felt in doing things meditatively. But people have started asking that "i am looking ...
Ritesh.mlk's user avatar
2 votes
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How Can One Tell The Difference Between The Spiritual Mind And The Physical Mind?

Is there any information in the texts that tell you the difference between the spiritual mind and the physical mind. I know there are ways to transcend, but that's not what I'm looking for. What I'm ...
Xarcell's user avatar
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The importance of NOW

Why this (and only this) moment is the exclusive possibility to see things as they really are?
Guy Eugène Dubois's user avatar
2 votes
10 answers

How is consciousness measured?

There is a sphere of infinite space and there is sphere of infinite consciousness. It is easy to comprehend what is infinite space is but it is not clear what is meant by infinite consciousness? Does ...
SacrificialEquation's user avatar
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What is life-continuum?

In the book Path Of Purification It talks about The explanation of the meaning here( " talking about the five jhana mastery mostly mastety if Adverting " ) is this. When he emerges from the first ...
DeusIIXII's user avatar
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Mindfullness or Self Consciousness (Introvert's Struggle)

I am trying to achieve consciousness and that is my target to achieve it,... I am struck in Strange State .. as Bruce lee said, in Enter The Dragon: Its like a finger pointing away to the moon. ...
user2929's user avatar
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Is there a "good" consciousness?

I wondered if there was a consciousness that underwent nirvana? Is there a consciousness of nirvana? Is there a consciousness that creates either of these consciousnesses? I would call that the "good"...
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In what form or fashion might it be ethical to "bestow" consciousness on an AI? A question and conversation with ChatGPT:

Given the dramatic progress in Artificial Intelligence over the last year (ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Bing, etc) I have been thinking about the ethical implications of attempts to replicate human-like ...
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3 answers

Can Buddhist practice lead to pure consciousness experiences?

First, how is "pure consciousness experience" (abbr. PCE) defined for the purpose of this question? A PCE is when one’s sense of identity temporarily vacates the throne and apperception ...
Sridhar Ratnakumar's user avatar
2 votes
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Sutta Reference - Sound and musical instruments metaphors in the Suttas

I am looking for a specific sutta wherein the conditionality and insubstantiality of the existential process of a sentient being, or consciousness, is made plain by use of the simile of a resonating ...
Fabien Todescato's user avatar
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What are the similarities between quantum physics and buddism?

What are the similarities between modern physics/quantum physics and Buddism? Although i know little about this, like Budha said that conciousness creates everything, emptyness and dependent ...
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