Questions tagged [anagami]

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4 votes
8 answers

In which ways do anagamis still experience ignorance?

According to the ten fetters model, one of the five fetters which are only removed at attaining arahantship is ignorance (avijja). This means that anagamis are still subject to ignorance in some way. ...
5 votes
3 answers

What is path and fruition?

Path and fruition for the 4 stages of holy disciple are frequently mentioned. I understand that the fruition is the removal of the fetters and realization of the knowledge of that respective ...
1 vote
1 answer

Can someone give references of the four stages of enlightenment in the four major Nikayas?

It is generally held that there are four stages of enlightenment, namely, Soatapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami and Arahant. These stages are achieved by a practitioner as she/he gradually eradicates the ...
9 votes
3 answers

Can a arahant recognize the spiritual attainment of others?

Can a arahant recognize other arahants? Can a arahant recognize stream winners, once-returners and never-returners? Can a arahant recognize the spiritual attainment (and conversely, the defilement) ...
7 votes
3 answers

What's the canonical definition of end of the buddha sāsana?

I was under the impression that the end of buddha sāsana occurs when noble eight-fold path(and the dhamma practitioners) disappear form all the realms including Śuddhāvāsa where only anāgāmins live. ...
3 votes
1 answer

Looking for an online resource of the commentary(SNA.ii.476; SA.i.155) which says that the Brahma Sahampati was an Anagami from the Suddhavasa realms

This page mentions the following: The Commentaries say (SNA.ii.476; SA.i.155) that he was an Anagami Brahma born in the Suddhavasa, there to pass a whole kappa... I'm looking for an online ...
6 votes
1 answer

Did Buddha go through the stages of sotapanna/sakadagami/anagami before his enlightenment?

Did Buddha go through the stages of sotapanna/sakadagami/anagami before his enlightenment? Or did he go straight from a normal person to an arahant and a Buddha during the night of his enlightenment?
9 votes
2 answers

Where's the story in which the Buddha praised a non-returner for keeping the knowledge of his attainment private?

I'm trying to find a specific story in where the Buddha spoke about the attainment of one Anagami lay person with a group of monks while praising his good qualities. Later, when those monks went for ...
11 votes
2 answers

Where is the story of the non-returner who "sold" pots on the side of the road?

I'm trying to find a specific story in the Pali canon (or commentaries, probably), where an anagami who looks after his mother makes a living by firing pots and putting them out by the side of the ...