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Questions tagged [abhidhamma]

Abhidharma (Sanskrit) or Abhidhamma (Pali) are ancient (3rd century BCE and later) Buddhist texts which contain detailed scholastic reworkings of doctrinal material appearing in the Buddhist sutras, according to schematic classifications. The Abhidhamma works do not contain systematic philosophical treatises, but summaries or abstract and systematic lists.

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Latent tendencies, memories of this life and brain damage, dementia

This question is from the Theravada perspective only. How are memories of this life stored and recalled? Is it stored in the physical brain? There is the concept of latent tendencies (anusaya). ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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How do the later rupa kalapas get qualities of their before rupa kalapas by birth

when a object made with rupa kalapas is given a force, heated or travelling at a constant speed, how do the next generations of the same rupa kalapas get those qualities(forces, heat, speed ,etc..)by ...
madhawavish's user avatar
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English Translations of Commentary

Where are the English Translations of Commentary? Have all of them translated in to English?
Blake's user avatar
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4 answers

Any praise of shred-paramis by the Sublime Budddha?

What does one know or think: Is there any praise of shred-parami (perfections in appearing modest) by the Sublime Buddha, such as in out-fit, outwardly appearing, using of such stuff, and if why? If ...
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1 answer

Why does Abhidhamma exclude becoming, birth & death from 'mutuality'?

The Abhidhamma says: 2.4. The Mutuality Tetrad PTS cs 246 With ignorance as condition there is a (volitional) process, also with a (volitional) process as condition there is ignorance, with a (...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
  • 42.8k
-1 votes
3 answers

Abhidhamma vs Sutta: Did the Buddha teach about the birth of things?

The Abhidhamma acknowledges the Suttas define 'birth' ('jati') as follows: The Section Derived from the Discourses 1.11. Definition of Birth PTS cs 235 Herein, what is ‘with continuation as ...
Dhamma Dhatu's user avatar
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2 answers

Does one usually "need" to earn a living, or does on usually "want" to earn a living?

...and why? Is the a case where one would neither need nor want? What's (or would be) a "trade" purified on one or both sides and it's quality, effect, if given into? That of one pulling one ...
Samana Johann's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

I think cetasikas are programmed submind?

So far I was under impression that cetasicas are elementary mental factor. but I did not pay attention to all 52 of them.Today when I show Samma ājiva is also a cetasika. It changed my view toward ...
enRaiser's user avatar
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Are "Concepts about Real" Concepts?

In Theravada, the Concepts are considered unreal ("person", "chariot" etc.). Then what about the "Concepts about Real" ("red", "perception")? Are they ...
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