Linked Questions

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Madhyamaka, theravada and mahayana [duplicate]

Why is Mahayana Buddhism not a form of solipsism (epistemological, methodological, metaphysical) if the first school of Mahayana Buddhism was the Madhyamaka school from which then yogachara originated,...
Rodney's user avatar
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Is Buddhism methodological solipsism? [duplicate]

Is Buddhism methodological solipsism? Is Buddhism similar to methodological solipsism, or is it something completely different?
James's user avatar
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What do Buddhists believe in? [duplicate]

Does Buddhism say everything is an illusion? For Buddhist, are all other people just an illusion (philosophical zombies)? For example, when I talk to a Buddhist, he thinks I'm a philosophical zombie ...
Arny's user avatar
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Do Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana teach any form of solipsism? [duplicate] Buddhism is sometimes compared to solipsism. Discussions on this topic can be found on the Internet. I do not understand why Buddhism is ...
Antonio's user avatar
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What is the most accurate translation of the word 'dukkha'?

This question is a sequel to my previous question about First Noble Truth. It seems that there is discord about the exact rendering of the word 'dukkha'. Sorry if I sound like a pedantic dou*h. I am ...
The White Cloud's user avatar
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Do Cittamatra / Yogacara explicitly refute the existence of an external world?

Tibetan texts that belong to the genre of tenets (doctrinal classification) usually claim that the Cittamatra school refutes external existence. These texts further claim that Cittamatrin posit that '...
Tenzin Dorje's user avatar
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What are other peoples minds according to the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra?

I read that everything is just my own mind from the Laṅkāvatāra Sūtra. If everything is my own mind, what about other peoples minds? Are they also my own mind? How can this be understood? For ...
Malik A's user avatar
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Why is the Yogācāra school called 'mind only'?

I've heard the Yogācāra school of Buddhism called 'mind only'. What does that refer to? Does this school believe that the mind has a real inherent existence but nothing else does? Alternatively is it ...
Crab Bucket's user avatar
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Why wasn't the Buddha a solipsist?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking because I consider myself a great person etc., Chakravartin, but why didn't the Buddha take solipsism seriously, perhaps before his complete enlightenment? If he's ...
confused's user avatar
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Buddhism: Morality & Biology

I have relapsed out of Buddhism two times in my past. Currently, I am between reconciling and rejecting it yet again. I decided to make this post to ask questions that I feel will help me either ...
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How could craving be the habit of reification?

Below, it says that "craving" is the habit of reifying things, resulting in the notion that we need ever-increasingly more things to live happily. How could craving (tanha) be the habit of ...
ruben2020's user avatar
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