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What is the meaning of the word Sankhara? [duplicate]

In the quote " Sabbe Sankhara Anicca", what is the meaning of word Sankhara? Is the word "Sankhara" derived from Sanskrit word "Sanskara"?
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

Why is 'dukkha' included in one of the three marks of existence?

In this link and this link the Buddha says that "there is stress" (or suffering or whatever your preferred translation of dukkha is). The Buddha does not say that suffering (dukkha) is ...
The White Cloud's user avatar
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6 answers

3 marks of existence: conditioned vs unconditioned things?

The Wikipedia page for "the 3 marks of existence" differentiates between "conditioned things" and "unconditioned things" like so: The three marks are: sabbe saṅkhārā ...
Alex Ryan's user avatar
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How does one practice suffering well?

Correct me if I'm wrong, I understand a lot of buddhism is about relieving of suffering through practicing of detachment. Removing detachment is a long process. Until one removes those attachments, ...
jason's user avatar
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Is there is anything which is not a phenomena?

Is there is anything existing in the past,present or future which is not a phenomena ? Is it correct to say that all phenomena must be impermanent? If yes then how we know this?
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
-2 votes
7 answers

Is "impermanence" a bad translation of "anicca"?

This article explains Anicca, Dukkha, and Anatta -- and in this question I'd like to ask about Anicca. The article says that Anicca doesn't mean, or shouldn't be translated as, "impermanence"...
Isuru's user avatar
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5 answers

How does human will fit with Pratītyasamutpāda?

On Tevijjavacchagotta Sutta the Buddha said that in the last ninety-one aeons, no fatalist who denies the power of volitional acts, has ever gone to heaven, except one, who happened to follow the ...
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1 vote
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When would a Buddhist want to attach?

I understand that Buddhism is meant to end sufferings. The Buddhists welcome everything and don't clinging when it's gone. They don't necessary cut existing attachments (knowledge, relationships), but ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Did the Buddha invent any words?

A person told me that the Buddha coined certain words as part of his teachings. I don't remember which words, but perhaps "samadhi" was one of them. Is there any evidence the Buddha invented ...
triplej's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

What does Buddhism say about the "self"?

Looking at the Noble Eightfold Path led me to the non-self: that no unchanging, permanent self or essence can be found in any phenomenon. But while I agree that in the grand scheme of things there ...
Lance Pollard's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Kamma and sankharas

Can kamma and sankharas be considered as synonyms? And if not, which are the differences between both? Which is the relationship between them?
Guy Eugène Dubois's user avatar
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How do time and space exist?

I have a questions and I hope someone could help. Regarding time and space, I have seen different views: do they exist independently of our mind perceiving them, or is that all mind (inside mind)? I ...
Studying Buddhism's user avatar
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Does Western Philosophy Have Conceptual Overlaps with Buddhism?

I think I've noticed some conceptual overlaps between Buddhism and Western Philosophy and Science. What are good sources for comparing and contrasting Western ideas and Buddhism? What are suspected ...
R. Romero's user avatar
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Who is responsible for making sankharas impermanent?

Sabbe Sankhara Anicca. But it is not clear why all Sankhara are impermanent? Can I ask ,who is responsible for making all Sankhara impermanent? Are we responsible for making the Sankhara impermanent? ...
Dheeraj Verma's user avatar
1 vote
6 answers

Why did the Buddha teach how to escape Samsara if there is no soul?

Yes, I have seen the similar questions. But they do not satisfyingly answer my own since my question is slightly different. Let me explain: I was reading up on Emptiness, Samsara and so on and found ...
Arbuiwer's user avatar
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