I'm looking for some book(s) that are generally regarded as a good introduction to Buddhism. I know very little about Buddhism, having only read one book on it so far (What Makes You Not a Buddhist by Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche). I found the book entertaining, but I'm not sure it was the best introduction for someone completely ignorant on the matter.

Are western takes on Buddhism - or at least books on Buddhism by western authors - a good way to start?
Or should one jump right into books like the Tibetan Book of the Dead?

What are some books generally regarded as good for a general introduction on Buddhism?


20 Answers 20


First off, I wouldn't recommend Tibetan Book of the Dead, since it's not exactly a primer in Buddhism, I don't think. There are lots of introductions from various traditions; the perennial favourite is What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula. He's also written pieces on the difference (or lack thereof) between the various schools, so he's pretty unbiased that way.

Indian Buddhism by A.K. Warder is a great in-depth look at how Buddhism evolved, though like everything by the author it is terribly dense.

Bhikkhu Bodhi is another modern author who has some good resources; his introductions to the nikayas, e.g. in The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha, are well-done. He also has an audio series on-line about the same that seems well-received.

I guess I'd be careful about modern sources either from the West or East as an introduction, since without a solid background, it will be easy to become swayed by skewed teachings. Reading the words of the historical Buddha himself would most likely help to provide such a background. Again Bodhi's translations are a good choice.

  • 2
    The complete PDF versions of a number of these books can be found on the Internet including What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula, Indian Buddhism by A.K. Warder.
    – ruben2020
    Commented Dec 7, 2014 at 8:56
  • 2
    In the Buddha's Words by Bhikku Bodhi can be found here in full PDF
    – ruben2020
    Commented Dec 7, 2014 at 10:47

Quick First Read

What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula (Recommended)
Good Question, Good Answer by S. Dhammika

Introductions to the Early Texts

In the Buddha's Words by Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Life of the Buddha by Ñāṇamoli Bhikkhu (Recommended)
Buddha-Dhamma for University Students by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

Comprehensive Introductions to All Traditions

The Foundations of Buddhism by Rupert Gethin
The Buddhist Religion: A Historical Introduction by Richard H. Robinson
An Introduction to Buddhism: Teachings, History and Practices by Peter Harvey


I'll offer a controversial option, simply because it's the one that got me started (and in fact after reading it I don't believe the controversy is deserved). It's "Mastering The Core Teachings of the Buddha" (or "MCTB" by its fans) by Daniel Ingram .

Perhaps the main reason it is controversial is because Ingram gives himself the title "Arahat" on the cover of the book, and that is a decided no-no in many if not most Buddhist circles. However, I really encourage people to look past that. Ingram was doing it specifically to raise a controversial aspect, and even he says he has since had second thoughts about choosing to do it. The most important thing though is, the content of the book is utterly independent of his "arahat" claim. If you can see past that initial single word and actually read the book, you will find he is centered on pretty mainline, orthodox Mahasi Sayadaw style meditation practice, but also offers a broad and fairly deep understanding of other styles of Buddhist meditation too. Overall, I think the book is superb, but I'll offer three caveats for those who do decide to look past the arahat thing and read it.

First, the book is a bit too biased (in my non-expert opinion), on the Wisdom and Concentration aspects of the Eight-Fold Path, and doesn't pay enough attention to the Ethical conduct aspects. To be clear, he actually talks about ethics first, so in that sense he doesn't ignore it. But the bulk of the book is about how to meditate, and having now learned a lot more since I encountered MCTB, I think there's a danger of running into what B. Alan Wallace says in his Tsongkhapa commentary, "Balancing the Mind":

"Without a sufficient store of spiritual power [which comes from ethical conduct], meditation, such as training in quiescence and insight may arise as little more than barren, mental gymnastics that transform neither the heart nor the mind"

Second caveat: because the book is so good at explaining meditation in depth, there's a danger one could get "attached" to the attainments one may experience as one advances in practice. So instead of just sitting and noting, one could just get frustrated at apparent lack of progress. I believe that some teachers purposely do not give students too much advanced knowledge too early, precisely to avoid this problem. So if you're reading the book, be aware of this. Take your time, and don't fret too much about the fact you don't attain fourth jhana by day four!

Third caveat, and this is the most serious (much more of an issue than the "arahat" thing), is Ingram's focus on what he calls the "dark night". This refers to a subset of the stages of insight as described by Mahasi Sayadaw and others. I believe (I'm not that attained so I don't know) that what he is talking about is correct and it's very useful to know. But I also believe it is hugely over-emphasized. To be fair, it may be that it is Ingram's readers who create most of the over-emphasis, in various internet forums, but it's still a concern.

All that said, despite those caveats and the "arahat" thing, I still very much recommend this book. You can infer from that, that the good parts are very good (since they compensate for the caveats).


i recommend "The Heart of the Buddha's Teachings" by Thich Nhat Hanh
Good luck on your journey,


One of the classic introductions to Zen is Zen Mind, Beginners Mind by Shunryu Suzuki.

Bhante Gunaratans's Mindfulness in Plain English is widely cited as an excellent introduction to Vipassana meditation.


If you are interested in Vajrayana or Tantric Buddhism, I highly recommend the book by Reginald Ray titled, Secret of the Vajra World. He even covers a brief overview of other forms of Buddhism at the beginning, then dives into the Vajrayana.

It's very clearly written and covers a wide variety of the aspects of Tibetan Buddhist (Vajrayana Buddhist) practice and masters who teach and have taught it. In Vajrayana Buddhism, the lineage and the masters are an important part of the practice, via a practice known as guru yoga, where one learns to emulate the ideal of a buddha by practicing with one's teacher as an example.

This book is known as (marketed as?) a second volume in conjunction with the first (which is titled, Indestructible Truth) that covers other forms of Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism, however I found that the short intro to the Theravada & Mahayana in Secret of the Vajra World covered enough of that for me and that the other volume, though I read it, wasn't absolutely necessary, unless you are looking for a lot more detail on those earlier schools (and given your original question here, that first volume is probably in a LOT more detail than you'd like, for an introductory text).

In short, I cannot recommend highly enough Reggie Ray's book, Secret of the Vajra World as a "standalone" introductory text to Tantric Buddhism, if you're looking for an understandable and comprehensive introduction to a frankly, pretty complicated development of Buddhism, which is the Vajrayana.


As mentioned in a some comments I would highly recommend In the Buddha's Words - An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon (The Teachings of the Buddha) by Buddha Shakyamuni as compiled by Bikkhu Bodhi:

enter image description here

What better teacher can you find for an introduction to Buddhism than the Buddha himself? This is where I began and to my knowledge every extent tradition of Buddhism regards this book as authentic Buddhavacana.

If I had to pick one companion book to go with this which would explain the differences among the extent traditions of Buddhism in a thoroughly respectful and careful manner I'd pick Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Venerable Thubten Chodron:

enter image description here

Hopefully the two books will give a solid introduction to Buddhism and Buddhist traditions.


Can I give a shout out for Jack Kornfield's excellent A Path with a Heart. I think it can be profitably read by a beginner or someone who has been practicing for many years. I've read it a couple of time I have every intention of reading it again.

I think it's also good to get into the actual original texts. Bhikkhu Bodhi is very good as said by yuttadhammo and he has an anthology In the Buddhas words which might be a bit less daunting than the Middle Length Discourses. Well it will be certainly easier to lift.

If you don't like 'best ofs' or compilations then the Dhammapada is accessible for an actual text. My current favourite is Eknath Easwaran

Anyway good luck with your reading