Enlightenment is important for reading Sutta, or at least memorizing. Actually, the noble one in love with memorizing Sutta, so it's same ^.^
It’s been asserted that the Four Noble Truths were profound universal truths as described in AN 3.136. The Four Noble Truths include the Noble Eightfold Path which importantly includes “right view” as the first step on that path.
In DN22 SammaDitthi of SaccaPabba, right view is professional understanding of the four noble truth.
The right view is a factor of knower, 4 noble truth is the object.
However, it is said in Snp 4.5 that a Realized One does not hold any “views” nor declare any view foremost:
“Whoever should take to himself certain views, thinking them best, supreme in the world, and hence he proclaims all others as low— by this he does not become free from disputes.“
Holding means clinging, craving, addict.
Holding on View means DitthUpadana.
Upadana must arising with Delusion, Shamelessness, Fearlessness, Restlessness and having clinging-object which receive via 6 doors by contact, feeling, perception, intention, one-pointedness, life, attention, thinking, keeping thinking, decision, keeping trying, (sometime maybe conceit or wrong view or Sloth (mind) and torpor (body)).
But the right view can't arise with above factors. The right view must arise with wholesome Nama.
sobhana-sadharana cetasika
(Beautiful Ones - 19 which arise with all whole some mind)
- saddha = faith, confidence
- sati = mindfulness, attentiveness
- hiri = moral shame
- ottappa = moral dread
- alobha = non-attachment, greedlessness, generosity
- adosa = hatelessness, goodwill
- tatramajjhattata = equanimity, mental balance
- kaya-passaddhi = tranquility of mental concomitants
- citta-passaddhi = tranquility of consciousness
- kaya-lahuta = agility or lightness of mental concomitants
- citta-lahuta = agility or lightness of consciousness
- kaya-muduta = elasticity of mental concomitants
- citta-muduta = elasticity of consciousness
- kaya-kammannata = adaptability of mental concomitants
- citta-kammannata = adaptability of consciousness
- kaya-pagunnata = proficiency of mental concomitants
- citta-pagunnata = proficiency of consciousness
- kayujjukata = uprightness of mental concomitants
- cittujjukata = uprightness of consciousness
virati cetasika
(Abstinences - 3)
- samma-vacca = right speech
- samma-kammanta = right action
- samma-ajiva = right livelihood
appamanna cetasika
(Illimitables - 2)
- karuna = compassion
- mudita = sympathetic joy
pannindriya (1)
- pannindriya = wisdom or insight
1.phassa = contact or mental impression
2.vedana = feeling
3.sanna = perception
4.cetana = volition or intention
5.ekaggata = one – pointedness, concentration (samadhi)
6.jivitindriya = vitality or psychic life
7.manasikara = attention or advertence
1.vitakka = initial application or thought conception
2.vicara = sustained application or discursive thinking
3.adhimokkha = decision or determination
4.viriya = effort or energy or exertion
5.piti = rapture or interest
6.chanda = wish, desire or will
So, you can notice the difference of your mind by analysis it's factors. However, it is hard for people who have no skill in wholesome meditation especially concentration meditation because it is the base of soft analysis (first step of the insight meditation).
See https://www.bdcu.org.au/bddronline/bddr12no5/bddr12no5.html
Is the “right view” as described in the Noble Eightfold Path the same kind of “view” that is described in Snp 4.5?
If so, does this mean that a Realized One abandons a profound universal truth which is true whether a Realized One arises or not??
If not, then what is a “view” as described in Snp 4.5 and how is it different from the “right view” of the Noble Eightfold path?
Yes, in meaning "abandons clinging on a profound universal truth".
No, in meaning "thinking of a profound universal truth".
The noble one can know both wrong view and right view, but they understand the truth of them without addict, clinging, craving on the wrong view.
To analysis them see above factor list to analysis each mind whether wholesome or unwholesome by checking it's factors.
Also, the Buddha often described things with the adjective “foremost”; does this mean those things so described were not “views” as meant in Snp 4.5?
It is about 4 bias. When one is clinging on a view and deny other views without understanding the truth, they may decide the right as wrong.
For the example, one decide to cling whether "there is no next life" only, but if it is possible, he miss the truth. Or one decide to cling whether "there must be next life" only, but if it is impossible, he miss the truth. Then when they meet each other, they will argue and fight each other "all me right, all you wrong" without trying to understand the truth.
This is basic explanation. It is more very complex and advance for the insight meditation. We study and practice each mind moment in trillion times arising per second whether "which is wholesome? which is unwholesome? Which is 3 characteristics". And for this very big data analysis, we practice advance concentration meditation.