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2 Answers
In MN116,
Once upon a time, five hundred Buddhas awakened for themselves dwelt for a long time on this Isigili. They were seen entering the mountain, but after entering were seen no more. When people noticed this they said: ‘That mountain swallows these hermits!’ That’s how it came to be known as Isigili.
desessāmi, bhikkhave, paccekabuddhānaṁ nāmāni.
I shall teach the names of the Buddhas awakened for themselves.Taṁ suṇātha, sādhukaṁ manasi karotha, bhāsissāmī”ti.
Listen and pay close attention, I will speak.“Yes, sir,” they replied. The Buddha said this:
“The Buddhas awakened for themselves who dwelt for a long time on this Isigili were named Ariṭṭha, Upariṭṭha, Tagarasikhin, Yasassin, Sudassana, Piyadassin, Gandhāra, Piṇḍola, Upāsabha, Nītha, Tatha, Sutavā, and Bhāvitatta. ......
These and other mighty ones awakened for themselves, enders of the attachment to rebirth— honor these great hermits who are fully extinguished, having got past all ties, limitless.”
Other translation: From Piyadassi Thera
2I'll just update your answer to provide a bit more of the surrounding text to add more context.– ruben2020 ♦Commented Jan 23, 2021 at 4:18
From AN 10.16:
“Bhikkhus, these ten persons are worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, worthy of reverential salutation, an unsurpassed field of merit for the world. What ten? The Tathāgata, the Arahant, the Perfectly Enlightened One; a paccekabuddha; the one liberated in both respects; the one liberated by wisdom; the body witness; the one attained to view; the one liberated by faith; the Dhamma follower; the faith follower; and the clan member. These ten persons are worthy of gifts, worthy of hospitality, worthy of offerings, worthy of reverential salutation, an unsurpassed field of merit for the world.”
From AN 9.20:
It would be more fruitful to feed one person accomplished in view than that great offering of Velāma.
It would be more fruitful to feed one once-returner than a hundred persons accomplished in view.
It would be more fruitful to feed one non-returner than a hundred once-returners.
It would be more fruitful to feed one perfected one than a hundred non-returners.
It would be more fruitful to feed one Buddha awakened for themselves than a hundred perfected ones.
yo ca sataṃ arahantānaṃ bhojeyya, yo cekaṃ paccekabuddhaṃ bhojeyya … pe …It would be more fruitful to feed one Realized One, a perfected one, a fully awakened Buddha than a hundred Buddhas awakened for themselves.
From Ud 5.3:
“Formerly, monks, the leper Suppabuddha was a son of a wealthy merchant in this very Rājagaha. While going to his pleasure park he saw the Pacceka Buddha Tagarasikkhī entering the city for alms, and having seen him, this occurred to him: “Who is this leper roaming around with his leper’s robe?” And having spat, and circumambulated him disrespectfully on the left side, he went away.