The conventional Buddhist view of causality is that the present negative and positive effects we see in our lives are a result of negative and positive causes that we created in the past. So in order to attain Buddhahood, which is the goal of Buddhist practice, it would take lifetimes of painstaking efforts to replace all the negative causes we’ve made with positive causes, while avoiding making additional negative causes. Based on this view, the possibility of attaining Buddhahood seems remote and almost impossible.
In contrast, Nichiren Buddhism teaches that the law of cause and effect is simultaneous.
I side against it, which could even cover my slight antipathy toward Nichiren Buddhism.
If the effect depends on past causes, then doesn't the metaphor of a fire going out -- and going nowhere -- when the fuel runs out, only work when a cause can run out of effects, which, for me, hints at svabhava.
Does a cause running itself down only occur if it has svabhava? And what arguments are there for and against the law of cause and effect being simultaneous?
I have a "theory" that Nichiren Buddhism cannot help us in our "next live"; in deed, that mappo -- and Nichiren Buddhism -- condemns all to the Abrahamic hell, even as zen -- the monastic life -- may still be available. But I won't get into it.