Does a cause depend on its effect? If so then it seems especially difficult to think about nothingness being made or created.
This is almost the exact opposite of a question I have asked recently (I'm locked out and looking into that), but not quite.
It's usually said that the cause does depend on the cause, in some way
Nāgārjuna argues that cause and effect cannot be substantially distinct. This is because the effect depends existentially on the cause (if the cause did not exist the effect would not exist) and cause depends at least notionally on the effect (if there was no effect the cause would not be called “cause”). The kind of independence demanded by substantial existence, by existence by svabhāva, is simply not available for things which are cause and effect.
But what this notional dependence means I'm not totally sure.
I'm not asking about nothingness, and am not saying that sunyata is nothingness! That could only be the case if the absolute truth is that nothing exists.