What is Citta? What is Dhamma? What is the difference between above two in Satipathana?


1 Answer 1


These are the two last stages in the 4 foundations of mindfulness:

Citta means "mind". Dhamma refers to the Buddhist teachings.

Cittanupasana is the meditation on the mind: the observation of the arising and setting of thoughts and desires. It is required to understand the impermanent nature of mind, which is wrongfully perceived as a permanent self.

Dhammanupasana is meditation on the Dharma, the Buddhist teachings. Typically a student will be asked to meditate/research one of these topics:

  • The Five Hindrances
  • The Four Noble Truths
  • The Seven Factors of Enlightenment
  • The Five Aggregates
  • Canon Literature
  • I don't think that this is a proper translation of the 4 Satipathanas. If we take your approach, how are we supposed to feel dispassion in Dhammanupassana? "Dhamma" in "Dhammanupassana" does not refer to the Buddha's teaching but rather about the 3 characteristics and the letting go (vosagga) of craving (tanha). The 4 Satipathanas are done in a chronological way. Once the Body and the Mind is tranquillized one is feeling rapture. Once rapture arises it is the object of meditation and one is in the vedana "realm".
    – Val
    Commented Aug 21, 2018 at 17:32
  • Dispassion in the Dhammanupassana section clearly indicates that the Mind is that sharp, that is,without thoughts so that one can clearly see the impermanence of the 5 khandas and once the impermanence is seen, dispassion arises since they cannot be grasped. One ultimately lets go of the clinging since it is otherwise dukkha.
    – Val
    Commented Aug 21, 2018 at 17:35

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