I've completed 5 10-day Vipassana courses, one Sati, and I've served a 3-day and in various other smaller capacities. I'll be serving my first 10 day in about 6 weeks, and began regularly sitting 2 hours a day after completing my last course in early December 2017.
I sat a total of 28 days in 2017, and hope to do a similar amount this year as well.
So in short, I feel absolutely certain that this is the path; it's crystal clear to me. I also have a clear sense of my purpose in this life as a householder, as an aside, but sense that I'll spend large portions of my life sharing with others about my experience with Vipassana to try and help to make them aware of it.
Recently, I've been noticing that my ability to feel the feelings of others, to see where they are, has become sharper and sharper. I can really feel their pain, and transmute it, and I also see what could be done to really help them. I feel love for them and want to help them, mostly, with occasional feelings of being negatively impacted by their pain creeping in, but that has lessened as my Vipassana practice has deepened.
The challenge I'd like to understand has to do with learning how to communicate these notions to people in ways that are helpful to them, in ways that aren't perceived to be self-righteous on my part, of know-it-all-y, or whatever.
I suppose this will come to be with more practice, eh? I feel like that was always Goenka's answer to every question and I understand more and more so what that was the case.
That said, if anyone out there can relate to this and is open to sharing his/her thoughts and experiences, I'd love to hear them.
I am interested in replies from people who have practiced Vipassana and can relate to my experience here.
Thank you!