You have gained insight into the fact that your body is swallowing and doing other things human, such as, experiencing positive and negative emotions and trying to study Buddhism. For some reason you have arrived at this moment as a human. I would advise you to contemplate just “who” it is that is gaining the insight? Or having the experience.
To me, Buddha was trying to explain the nearly-impossible-to-understand concept that all is transient. That nothing made of atoms will endure. No thoughts remain, no concept will remain, in the end all we cling to will be nothingness. Even the Buddha’s teaching will disintegrate over time as “the wave goes back into the sea.”
The awaking that Buddha had was to another reality so unlike our own, that his first impression was that it was untranslatable and non-teachable. But the source urged him on. A few would be able to connect.
So he decided to teach, first the 4 Noble Truths, followed by a lifetime of teaching and instruction on how to grasp this awaking as he had. It was like trying to teach a dog the concept of algebra. Only humans are different, some will respond to the teachings, without getting caught up in their “humanness” and can have this “realization” that is already here. All that is necessary is to live as if you are at your core, consciousness, rather that a human. To live as the “sea” coming up into this human world, “as a wave,” to have a look around, to live a life or two, and then going back. It's the Dharma.
You are here now, trying to find answers in the teaching and from others. The reality is so complex that it is hidden in plain sight. Few can realize that it is not a “you can’t get there from here,” or that it is “very difficult to attain,” because you are already “here.” Trust and relax. Know you are now a human in a human world, swallowing, walking, interacting, but keep asking your self, as meaningfully as you can, “Who am I?” Who is it that is receiving all these experiences as a human? Hopefully, you will gather true insight into that essense the Buddha was talking about. Fear not.