A new born child is born (refer to MN 64) with the underlying tendencies (refer to AN 7.11) to the five hindrances. The child is born that way.
For a young tender infant lying prone does not even have the notion ‘identity,’ so how could identity view arise in him? Yet the
underlying tendency to identity view lies within him. A young tender
infant lying prone does not even have the notion ‘teachings,’ so how
could doubt about the teachings arise in him? Yet the underlying
tendency to doubt lies within him. A young tender infant lying prone
does not even have the notion ‘rules,’ so how could adherence to rules
and observances arise in him? Yet the underlying tendency to adhere to
rules and observances lies within him. A young tender infant lying
prone does not even have the notion ‘sensual pleasures,’ so how could
sensual desire arise in him? Yet the underlying tendency to sensual
lust lies within him. A young tender infant lying prone does not even
have the notion ‘beings,’ so how could ill will towards beings arise
in him? Yet the underlying tendency to ill will lies within him.
MN 64
The hindrances (sensual desire, ill-will, restlessness & remorse, sloth & torpor and doubt) are just more elements ('dhatu'). To quote MN 115:
There are, Ānanda, these six elements: the sensual desire element, the renunciation element, the ill will element, the non-ill will
element, the cruelty element, and the non-cruelty element. When he
knows and sees these six elements, a bhikkhu can be called skilled in
the elements.”
The hindrances come from ignorance & are sustained by the three types of bad karma.
"Monks, ignorance is the leader in the attainment of unskillful qualities..."
Avijja Sutta
the five hindrances, too, have their nutriment ('food'), monks; they are not without a nutriment. And what is the nutriment of the five
hindrances? 'The three ways of wrong conduct,' should be the answer.
AN 10.61
In Pali Buddhism, ignorance is the 1st cause for the creation of the 'worlds' (of mental sufferings).
And what is the origination of the world? From ignorance as a requisite condition come fabrications....from becoming as a requisite
condition comes birth. From birth as a requisite condition, then aging
& death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, distress & despair come into
play. This is the origination of the world.
SN 12.44
What primitive religions such as Judaism call 'God', Buddhism calls 'ignorance'. For example, Genesis 6:5 describes how God regretted his creation, which shows how God has ignorance. Since 'regret/remorse' is one of the five hindrances, God also has hindrances. God also loves the smell of the the fatty parts of the meat (Genesis 8:21; Leviticus 3; etc), which shows God also has the hindrance of sensual desire.
More modern religions, such as Christianity, teach 'God is love' (1 John 4:8). In Christianity, God has no hindrances because it is said: "God is light; in him there is no darkness at all" (1 John 1:5).
If the old Jewish God is the same as the new Christian God, maybe this God learned how to be free from the five hindrances from the Buddha, who is the "Teacher of Gods & men" (sattha devamanussanam).