I am going to give you an answer from an Abhidhamma perspective.
What happens to us arises because of kamma and many other conditions.
There is no “decider” to determine the reaction (wholesome or unwholesome) to what happens, but a decision is made naturally (without a “decider”). The decision is a natural result of defilements / accumulations / habits / pārami / vows / tendencies / the environment / your mood / recent events. The mechanism by which the decision is made is called “natural decisive support condition” (pakatūpanissayapaccaya).
The intensity of the volition associated with the reaction (and therefore the weightiness of the kamma produced) and the intensity of the other mental factors (how strong the attachment, the amount of compassion, etc.) is also determined by “natural decisive support condition”.
I know that “natural decisive support condition” sounds like a healthcare product :-), but it is a very important concept at the heart of the strategy to spiritual development. The cause (conditioning state) of “natural decisive support condition” is something “strong” that happened in the past (mental state, sensed object or idea). The result (conditioned state) of “natural decisive support condition” is the current mental state (all mental states).
So when good things are done repeatedly, this creates a “strong” past conditioning state (strong because of repetition) that will naturally influence future decisions and the weightiness of the future kamma produced. This is why we undertake “rules of training” (precepts). This is why the Buddha talked of “training” monks (see MN 107). The mind cannot be controlled, but it can be trained. One should approach spiritual development with a training paradigm, not a control paradigm.
Training the mind is like any type of training. It is not a “control" paradigm, it is a “working with" approach. The mind is like a little puppy dog, it cannot be controlled but it can be trained. It requires patience, repetition, patience, energy, patience, commitment, patience and consistency. It also takes a lot of patience!
So to answer your specific question... wholesome deeds performed in the past condition present wholesome deeds through “natural decisive support condition”. Unwholesome deeds performed in the past condition present unwholesome deeds through “natural decisive support condition”.