When a mind is permeated with clinging, subdued by clinging, with a strong will to cling, and that same mind is not experiencing suffering due to that same clinging, there is little you can do to help that mind stop clinging.
When a mind is permeated with clinging, subdued by clinging, with a strong will to cling, and that same mind is experiencing a little suffering due to that same clinging, there is something you can do to help that mind to stop clinging.
When a mind is permeated with clinging, subdued by clinging, with a strong will to cling, and that same mind is experiencing immense suffering due to that same clinging, there is a lot you can do to help that mind to stop clinging.
There comes a time when a mind permeated with clinging, subdued by clinging, with a strong will to cling, is happy in that same clinging: "I'm happy. I have complete control over my son.".
Then, there comes a time, when that same mind starts to experrience a little suffering due to that same clinging and realises: "I have no control over my son. I'm suffering. Who knows the solution to stop my suffering?".
Then, there comes a time, when that same mind starts to experience immense suffering due to that same clinging and realises what is suffering, what are the types of suffering, how are the types of suffering experienced, what is the greatest suffering?
Then, there comes a time, when that same mind, fully aware of its own suffering and fully aware of the suffering of others, comes to realise: "I have no control over my son, but he has a roof over his head. I have no control over my son, but he has food and water. I have no control over my son, but he has ears. I have no control over my son, but he has eyes. I have no control over my son, but he has legs and arms. I have no control over my son, but he is breathing. My suffering is nothing compared to the suffering of others.". By realising this same truth, clinging subsides and wisdom follows: "I have no control over my son. I will never have complete control over my son. Thus, I will control him less.".