I have seen it on Buddhist temples in Thailand, I would like to understand more about this tradition: Where does it come from, if it dates from the time of the Buddha etc



1 Answer 1


This is the basic mindset of theravada buddhism. We donate flowers, water, food,etc. for Buddha then we believe these things are holy things.Because these are for Buddha.We pray Buddha statue is not praying the statue that created by someone.We pray Buddha statue is represent our respect for Buddha knowledge and teachings.The holy water is not come from Buddha's age but we donate this water for Buddha(in Buddhist temple) and we believe this water is holy.It's only mindset.

  • Sorry this is not what I was referring to. Holy water was given to lay people by the monks, I'm not asking about the offerings
    – konrad01
    Commented May 2, 2015 at 17:13

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