I am one of the (Taiwanese) fans of the Dalai Lama for a long time. Currently I am studying the subject "the four Buddhist schools/systems of tenets (of mainly Indian Buddhism before its decline)" both in Chinese (but actually translations from Tibetan) and in English, wishing to learn and to grow like the Dalai Lama.
"The four Buddhist schools/systems of tenets" are standardly named: Vaibhashika (Skt. Vaibhāṣika), Sautrantika (Skt. Sautrāntika), Chittamatra (Skt. Cittamātra), Madhyamika (Skt. Mādhyamika).
I am having the following questions and looking for guidance and/or instruction.
What English book(s) or document or study material on the subject is(/are) the most easily-learnable or learner-friendly?
What English book(s) or document or study material on the subject is(/are) the most rigorously- and detailedly- and thoroughly- written?
What English book(s) or document or study material on the subject is(/are) the most faithful and accurate and precise presentation(s) of real historical facts?
Thank you in advance.