How can I find a teacher who is a stream entrant?
Any suggestions? Recommendations?
How can I find a teacher who is a stream entrant?
Any suggestions? Recommendations?
Into the Stream -- A Study Guide on the First Stage of Awakening and The Power of Judgment might help.
It's all a matter of having done what leads to blessings -- and "dwelling" in borderlands:
A monastery, traditional Wat (pi: vatta) is an outwardly borderland ...
A "borderland" is a "state" between home and homelessness, outer lands and noble domain ...
[DD, post not given for trade or any wordily exchange]
Mirror of Dhamma:
Stream-entry is often called the arising of the Dhamma eye. What stream-enterers see with this Dhamma eye is always expressed in the same terms: "Whatever is subject to origination is all subject to cessation.
‘When you know for yourselves...’ -- The Authenticity of the Pali Suttas
A stream enterer understands that everything happens perfectly automatically according to conditions, and identity is only due to the illusion of unified experience.