Question closed... i noticed Soma was a link in Ven.Yuttadhammo's comment.
Apparently soma is ancient slang for something widely speculated on being either an amphetamine or entheogen. Its probably both.
The link Ven.Yuttadhammo shared had an excerpt;
"The Graeco-Russian archeologist Viktor Sarianidi claims to have discovered vessels and mortars used to prepare Soma in 'Zoroastrian temples' in Bactria. He claims that the vessels have revealed residues and seed impressions left behind during the preparation of Soma. This has not been sustained by subsequent investigations[19] Besides the residue of ephedra, the archeologists discovered the residues of Poppy seeds and Cannabis. The vessels also had impressions created by Cannabis seeds. Cannabis is well known in India as Bhang and sometimes Poppy seeds are used with Bhang to make the ritual drink Bhang Ki Thandai."
So i would imagine it was much like today, different strokes for different folks... or mix and match.
So, since it was obviously (which i already basically knew) available... and mentioned... the question is answered.
Thank you Ven.Yuttadhammo
Sadhu Bhante