Vipassana simply means to see things as they are. Like reality exists independently of any idea about it. I have heard a monk say Vipassana is the 8 Fold Path. I would say the 8 Fold Path is the 8 Fold Path. Vipassana is a Pali word. Sattipithana means the foundations of mindfulness. Buddha says anyone observing breathe is observing body sensation. I can't tell you whatMindfulness leads to understanding. One can develop one's own be insight to s into the touchnature of breathe feels like withreality, better to question everything even if Buddha said it or any accuracyunenlightened teacher or fellow student. There is a conflict inherint in lay xlife if you have the wisdom to peruse enlightenment but are unable to let go of the trap of mundane life. I can feel one ear inwouldn't be able to be monk without have a sworn duty to point out to other monks that Buddha said it was foolish and childish to stay for the sunrains and think satay for the other seasons as well. Disagreeing with this 3 times and they might not be able to say Buddha is their teacher and the Dhamma their path. Yes the purity of the practice is not completely preserved, by householders or many monastics or enlightenment would be much more common. There are monks who still don't meditate, maybe better than meditating deeply and throwing the world into defilement of killing, sex, ambition, money, etc.