Paṇḍaka is a less clear cut case, all references have a central theme: some form of deficiency in male sexual reproductive capacity or reproductive desire
The Pali literature makes reference to five types of pandaka:
- asittakapandaka - A man who gains satisfaction from performing oral sex on another man and from ingesting his semen, and only becomes sexually aroused after ingesting another man's semen.
- ussuyapandaka - A voyeur, a man who gains sexual satisfaction from watching a man and a woman having sex, and only becomes sexually aroused after that.
- opakkamikapandaka - A Eunuch by-assault, testicle that are annihilated by assault or violence.("still could attain ejaculation through some special effort or artifice".)
- pakkhapandaka - People who become sexually aroused in parallel with the phases of the moon.
- napumsakapandaka - A person with no clearly defined genitals, whether male or female, having only a urinary tract, one who is congenitally impotent.
Source: Pandaka