5 minute explanation
Ignorance includes the asava (out-flows) of primal sensual desire & (past) becomings (refer to MN 9). Ignorance flows out creating agitated sankharas.
Sankhara (kaya, vaci & citta sankhara) is in & out breathing, discursive (distracting) thoughts & perceptions & feelings (refer to MN 44). For example, when ignorance flows out, inwardly disturbed & agitated breathing & thoughts occur.
Ignorant sankharas capture consciousness. Consciousness becomes preoccupied with & a slave to the sankharas (refer to SN 22.53).
The mind-body (nama-rupa) is also captured & enslaved by the sankharas and "inclines" (namati) with the push of the ignorant sankharas (refer to MN 19, which refers to how the mind "inclines" with "inclination").
The sense organs are also polluted by the ignorance sankharas and thus incline towards seeking external objects of desire.
All of the above results in "contact with ignorance" (refer to SN 22.81) with external sense objects.
Feeling from contact (refer to MN 148).
Craving from feeling.
Attachment from craving.
Becoming, where the mind establishes itself in a sense-object (AN 3.76).
Birth, the production of the idea or convention of "beings" ("satta") from the beguiling appearance ('manifestation') of the aggregates, such as the ideas of "myself", "my mother", "my father", "my friend", "my enemy", etc; refer to SN 23.2 and SN 5.10.
Aging & death of "beings", such aging & death of "myself", "my mother", "my father", "my wife", "my husband", "my child", "my favourite pop-star" (refer to SN 15.3).
Sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief despair & the whole mass of suffering because of the aging & death of imaginary "beings" superstitiously created from ignorance, craving & attachment (refer to MN 87).
For example, when people or aggregates who are strangers die, there is no suffering because no self-related-identities have been created by the ignorant mind.
There are these five clung-to-aggregates, friend Visakha: form as a clung-to-aggregate, feeling as a clung-to-aggregate, perception as a clung-to-aggregate, fabrications as a clung-to-aggregate, consciousness as a clung-to-aggregate. These five clung-to-aggregates are the self-identification described by the Blessed One."
The craving that makes for further becoming — accompanied by passion & delight, relishing now here & now there — i.e., craving for sensual pleasure, craving for becoming, craving for non-becoming: This, friend Visakha, is the origination of self-identification described by the Blessed One."
MN 44